Roses and Thorns:

a memoir-esque compilation of a beautiful and messy life



Michelle Goni, MD
Roses and Thorns is written as a series of poems by Michelle Goni, MD. Michelle shares her life from her
childhood through adulthood with all the events and wishes that we all have or may have for ones living
Roses and Thornstheir lives. Michelle does show and tell what she has and is going through in a visual way through her
words showing how and why she made the choices she did.
Michelle Goni, MD is a poet and teaches us all about the acceptance of growing up in a society and being
able to see what others see. This would be a good book to share with other doctors, nurses as well as
other helping professionals. It is a book that teaches about diversity in general. Life is all about seeing
and smelling the roses but watching out for the thorns that they bear. The technical format is one of
somewhat big print for easy reading. ‘Roses and Thorns’ is a quick read and may bring understanding to
what has happened or happening in ones’ life. The reader may even see some comparisons in life



In Roses and Thorns:

a memoir-esque compilation of a beautiful and messy life, author Michelle Goñi, MD presents a collection of raw, emotional, and empowering prose poetry. She shares honest, heartfelt, sometimes gut-wrenching stories of fear, failure, and pain as well as warm, inspiring, and relatable poems of love, evolution, and transformation. Her book gives the reader permission to embrace a perfectly imperfect life.

ISBN: 979-8-885504-586-5
New Degree Press
192 pages

 About the Author

Michelle GoñiMD uses the written word aa powerful voice for her soul. She was raised by an immigrant, Renaissance-like, often stoic father who labeled her creativity as distracting. His rigid parenting and control led Michelle to have a limited and perfectionist mindset. While this helped keep her focused on becoming a medical doctor, it took years to learn to love herself as she was and fully appreciate her journey. We learn about Dr. Goñi’s life in Roses and Thorns, her debut book of prose poetry, where she shares personal yet relatable truths, struggles, and realizations. This unique presentation invites the reader to embrace vulnerability and self-love. Michelle’s words evoke deep emotion within us, empathy for one another, and necessary self-acceptance. Get social with Dr. Goñi on IG | FaceBook | Twitter | Linkedin


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