Book Room Reviews

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Are you looking for a tremendously efficient way to Advertise online to a highly targeted audience.  Advertise online on Book Room Reviews gives you a chance to reach a captive audience that is approximately 80% women, many of who have children and make purchase decisions for their families.Indie Authors highlight your book.Bookroom Reviews was named one of the top 10 product review sites in 2009.We were one of  the top  15 childrens book review site of 2014  also in 2016 we made this list  12 Great Book Review Sites for Indie Middle Grade Novels and 2017 made the list The Best Book Review Blogs for 2017  

As of 2019 we rank number 8 in the top  100 Book Review sites on feedspot 


Advertising on our site is always customizable.  If you have specific needs that aren’t addressed in this media kit, or to discuss availability of ad space, feel free to or  chuck@Bookroomreviews.comfor a quote! For Author’s we offer a feature of your book on our side bar for only $10 a month this will be a widget with your book cover and a link to Amazon.

Current rates are based on recent traffic trends.  Book Room Reviews is well known review  site that now serves a very dedicated fan base.  Rates may change at anytime, but if you pay in advance for a longer period of time, you keep that rate until the ad expires.


Advertise online Standard Advertising Rates

Ad Size 1 Month 6  Months 1 Year Ad Position
Text Link/Ad $15 $75 $140 Run of Page








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An advertorial offers you a chance to communicate in a more detailed way with our audience.  While we offer product review opportunities, an advertorial is a message written in a way that represents what you want to communicate.  As long as your product meets our basic ethical and practical standards, we will offer you the chance to deliver your message.  Advertorials will be clearly labeled as such to our readers.

Standard Advertorial Options:(Guest Post)

Option #1 ($35): You submit and we publish (upon approval) your message.  Along with standard body copy of at least 400-500 words, you can include:

  • Up to 3 Keyword Links to your site/product
  • 1-2 small images
  • A discount code or promotional opportunity

Option #2 ($50): We write and publish your message based on information/specs you provide.  All other features are the same.

Product Reviews and Giveaways Policies

Do you want to have an intelligent, and informative and honest review of your product presented to the world (well, at least several thousand members of it).  Many families and moms are looking for honest information about products they buy for themselves or their families.  Product reviews are a great way to present your products to them.

Products or services reviewed on our site may include the following features, along with a typical 350-500 word review of the product:

  • Photographs or images (Please provide if possible)
  • Video demonstrations (You provide, or we make)
  • A few product keyword links
  • Suggestions for use, improvement, or other feedback

Product reviews are conducted separately from advertising space.  Purchasing an ad or providing a non-returnable product sample (required) doesn’t guarantee a glowing endorsement of your product.

We are always glad to discuss other opportunities to present your products to our readers.  Giveaways are always appreciated by people!  We only ask that you mail to winners upon completion.

Groups and Review Affiliations

Mom Central, Team Mom, Mom Select, My Spark Blog,

Companies We Have Reviewed for or Worked With

Oreck, Leap Frog, Keurig, Frito Lay, Wendy’s, Blockbuster, Evenflo, Fisher Price, Mattel, and many more including smaller mom owned companies.

Additional Information

To Advertise online with us

Contact Information:

Twitter: @bookroomreviews

Payment Options:

  • PayPal


  • This policy is valid from 05 MAY 2008
  • This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me and our reviewers. For questions about this blog, please contact  or
  • This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
  • Product reviews are never paid reviews.
  • The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.
  • The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers’ own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
  • This blog may contain content which might present a conflict of interest.

Views: 1996


  1. educationprofessor

    I am interested in writing book reviews for your company. I have a Masters in Education (Children’s literature) and a Doctorate in Reading and ljteracy. Am I qualified to write for you on any subject from education, social work and nursing in Children’s literature. Thank you.

    1. Dick Leonardo

      Email me at Dick@bookroomreviews

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