Author Interview, Angie Elita Newell;
Author of All I See Is Violence
In her historical fiction novel released in January 2024, All I See is Violence (Greenleaf Book Group / January 16, 2024 / $27.95), Indigenous author and historian, Angie Elita Newell, draws from real events to intertwine the stories of a professor, a soldier, and a warrior from three different time periods. Buzzfeed and Huffpost recently mentioned the book in their newsletter, stating that “Newell breathes new life into this rich and important history while humanizing the people who actually lived it.”
1. Where or how did you come up with the idea for this book and series?
The idea for my novel All I See is Violence was born out of a series of synchronicities, an elder at a feast mentioned that there were female warriors, I was studying at university at that time as a historian and began archival research and discovered that indeed female warriors were a component of warrior indigenous society across North America, and I came across George Armstrong Custer’s autobiography, My Life on the Plains. But I didn’t really get going till after my first shamanic journey.
2. When you sit down to write do you have an idea where you are going or does it just happen as you’re sitting there? Or is it actually the Characters writing the story?
I always have a map when I write. As I’ve been dealing with historical fiction, I write all the actual events I want to include and then build from there.
3. What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?
For myself I don’t have a favorite part of the writing process. Each component is enjoyable, and I look forward to my story telling evolution.
4. What is your favorite quote from a book of fiction?
“I will show you fear in a handful of dust.” T.S Elliot’s The Wasteland.
5. On that vein who would be your favorite Author? What writers influenced you?
I love the modern writers, T.S Elliot, Ernest Hemingway, Wilfred Own, and F. Scott Fitzgerald.
All the writers mentioned above and William Shakespeare, I was told recently that William Shakespeare might not have been the actual writer and for me, it doesn’t matter that body of work is absolutely brilliant.
6 Do you have a favorite fictional character?
Juliet from William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet.
7. What five words describe you?
Mother, artist, caffeine, experience, and love.
8. What if any project are you working on now?(go ahead promote away!)
I am currently working on a novel about Geronimo and Lozen, the last standing indigenous warriors to take on the United States military, they fought vigilantly and fiercely, the army infantry that make it out of Little Bighorn show up in their narrative as well, to subdue and quell the Apache Nation to claim their land for America and they are met with magic and bloodshed.
9. What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author?
Show don’t tell, I think was the hardest concept to embody.
10. What has been the best compliment?
My novel, All I See is Violence, was described in a trade reviews as a “work of art.” I left standard form to write this novel more like prose. Some readers feel challenged by this, were living in time of forced conformity and I am born to a people who fought against that, I am Dene an indigenous American, from the Dehcho and I know that we are all one universal expression perhaps unique in our own imprint but we all share a collective consciousness, and we are taught that god, the creator is always all around us, in everything, and to always live by the truth and that that truth is love and there’s no better way to express that than art.
12. Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
I’ve heard a little bit from readers, this is my debut novel, and previous to this I didn’t have any social media, so I live in a bit of a bubble. It’s a nice bubble so I think I’ll stay there.
13 What do you think makes a good story?
If you use a traditional screenplay writing template, I feel it grounds the pace and texture of what you writing, act 1, act 2 and act 3.
14. What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I am a varied person and obviously love to read. I also enjoy podcasts, cooking, connecting to my own spiritual self, and staying present, particularly with my children. This world is an amazingly beautiful place it’s important to get out and enjoy her splendor.
15. How about a snippet from your book that will hook a prospective reader and make them want to read your book.
A professor, a soldier, a warrior, three different times collide into one, creating chaos that permeates for decades, resulting in the birth of a nation. One of the greatest defeats in United States military history was on the soil of the Great Sioux Nation and was the last great stand for American Indian freedom, the battle of Little Big Horn, and all I see is violence.
16. What are the most important elements of good writing? According to you, what tools are must-haves for writers?
Never underestimate the reader’s intelligence and every writer should read Janet Burroway’s Writing Fiction.
17. How did you get into writing? Is this what you always wanted to do?
I come from a culture rich in storytelling and it is something I connected with as a toddler, I used to react and tell stories around our campfire as a child and when I started school it is what I knew I was going to do and never deviated from that path, I hold degrees in English literature, creative writing, and indigenous history.
18. Any last thoughts for our readers?
Never give up on yourself, it doesn’t matter what other people think only what you think of yourself and your body of book. If you lead with humility, genuineness, and kindness you’ll always find a way.
Angie Elita Newell belongs to the Liidlii Kue First Nation from the Dehcho, the place where two rivers meet. A trained historian, she blends a tradition of oral stories with academic history and holds university degrees in English literature, creative writing, and First Nations history with an emphasis on colonialism. Angie is a heavily tattooed global wanderer, a mother to daughters, and a connoisseur of coffee, she has a profound appreciation for humanity and what we as a people can instill upon this awe-inspiring world.
Newell is the co-host of a recently launched podcast, Apparently Transparent, along with co-host and former professional skateboarder, Ross McLeister. Exploring a variety of topics, featuring guests and conversation, this podcast aims to rethinking the human mind and the universe that controls it. This world is large and talk can be small, Apparently Transparent tries to make it big.
Connect with Angie Elita Newell at or on Instagram @angieelitanewell
All I See is Violence is available from independent booksellers, Barnes & Noble, Amazon,, and other retailers.
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