OK so how many times have you asked your son or Daughter “Did you finish your Homework?” AND! How many times did you get teen time managementthe same old sorry inexcusable reply ” I didn’t have TIME!!!” Didn’t you see them on their phone texting back and forth with their friends all about the latest school gossip about who likes who and did you hear this and that about him or her? Or maybe you’re pretty sure you heard them on their video game last night while they were supposed to be studying. Don’t worry there is still hope for our future MBA’S ,Doctors , Engineers and the leaders of society. Have you ever thought to your self…


Leslie Josel the founder of “Order Out of Chaos has written a book by that exact title. Meant as a guide to help parents teach their young scholars Time management.Filled with ideas and plans that will not only teach them how to make time for their tasks they need to finish but its a great tool to help get them through their young life and on to adulthood.There is one back cover teensstatement in the book I think is so true. Raise problem solvers not direction followers.That is basically what it’s all about. It’s kind of like the Six Sigma approach that is used in industry or the DMAIC methodology.

  • Define the problem, in this case Wasted Time
  • Measure process performance.How is time spent (Or Wasted)
  • Analyze the process to determine root causes of  poor performance (Wasted Time)
  • Improve process performance by addressing and eliminating the root causes (Wasted Time)
  • Control the improved process and future process performance.(Time not Wasted) and completing the task at hand


Now this is not a book about The Six Sigma process but that’s just the way I interpret it. I don’t know if   author Leslie Joesel realizes it but that’s what we have here in the most general terms.

There is a bit bit more to the book then just problem solving.It’s about the family dynamic and how to make it all work in regards to time management for your kids and written by some one that seems to know what she is talking about.


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Principal and owner of Order Out of Chaos, an organizing consulting firm that specializes in student organizing and chronic disorganization. Creator of the award winning, "Academic Planner: A Tool for Time Management", a student planner that helps teach students time management. Author of "What's the Deal with Teens and Time Management?", (People Tested Publications, February 2015).
Graduate of the JST coaching program for teens and college students with ADHD.







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