Bookroomreviews  would like to introduce you to very cool project being put together by Chris and Michelle Miller of Austin Texas.

The Angel Guardian..

Bedtime is never all that much fun.How do you get that little girl or boy away from their toys or favorite movie or TV show. As amazing as it sounds I have a little five year old Granddaughter who is NEVER tired,(At least that’s what she always tells us) Then when bedtime comes it’s pick up the toys get the pj’s on brush the teeth and all that good stuff. angel 2

The Angel Guardian is a very cute book that not only is a great little Bedtime Story but it also tries to make it fun to get ready for bed while setting up a bedtime routine.Also letting them know she’ll be there all night with them.To this point each book comes with an Angel Guardian Doll.It also (if it works) tries to instill a bit of a conscience into the little people letting them know their little Angel is with them all day to help guide them through the day.The creators of this book Chris and Michelle Miller are starting up  Kickstarter campaign to keep this project going and with every donation to their campaign the donors receive a book of their own and one for a charity of their choice.

Written in a very nice poetic rhyme and richly illustrated by Nessa Dee and of course accompanied by the beautiful Angel Doll -Angel Guardian- is the perfect Bedtime Story to comfort YOUR little angels.


To better explain I’ll leave it for the Author Michelle Miller


The Angel Guardian – Kickstarting and Paying It Forward
We have three young children, ages two, four and six. Every night, we’d go through the same routine. We’d run around trying to get all three of them to bed. And then we’d spend another hour trying to keep them in bed. It was the most frustrating time of the day and we had to learn meditation techniques to stay calm.
We tried everything – rationalizing, rewarding, punishing – but nothing worked. And we knew helping them get more sleep was critical, especially at their young ages.
The idea for The Angel Guardian was born.angel

We started talking to them about this little angel who was always by their side, walking them through their bedtime routine, keeping them company, and comforting them when the darkness came. Suddenly, bedtime was fun for everyone.
So we wrote the story and found our amazing illustrator, Nessa Dee, who brought The Angel Guardian to life.
Our goal is to help children around the world get more sleep. We’re launching a Kickstarter Campaign for the book and matching angel doll to share our secret with other parents. Our backers will receive their books and dolls before the public, along with other unique rewards.
We also strongly believe in paying it forward, so every backed hardcover book comes with a second book free to give to a local library, school or charity.



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