(How to Get As Many Clients, Customers and Sales As You Can Possibly Handle)

Review by Sherri Lee

Although I have read many books, few have really impacted the way I do business. The things I learned in business have come from failure and interactions with other people. With that said, I do enjoy reading as it opens the world to another perspective and I have found there are a group of books that most entrepreneurs do read. However, this book review is not about one of the greats as many reviews have been done on those. Instead, I chose to review the one book that I found really lays out what this online gig is all about. It was published in 2019 and it is very current to the online world today. The book is “Sell Like Crazy: How to Get As Many Clients, Customers And Sales As You Can Possible Can Handle” By Sabri Suby.

The author is from Australia and although he started from humble beginnings, he has now implemented what he teaches to grow an online powerhouse today. At the time of the book he had “spent seventeen long years in the trenches” (p.33) making mistakes and learning from them. He writes simply so anyone can easily read and follow his theories. He lays out each step needed for a person to define his or her ideal client. How to appeal to that client.How to grow a relationship with that client, and uses the mainstream model for growing volume in the online market. Even though volume is not the business model I use, I still find his principals can be used with other business models as well.

At the end of each chapter

the author puts a lovely summary and “action points” that simplify what he discussed. I found these summaries really allowed me to start thinking about my client and what message I am trying to market to them. The action points almost force the reader to narrow the focus and to really get clarity on the ideal client and what problem will be solved. This book is a wonderful start for someone that knows very little about how to get started in building an online business. The marketing principals in the book are simple, but that is what I like about it, building a business is much easier if one keeps things simple!

Another thing I find makes Sell Like Crazy such an easy read, is the author uses stories and antidotes to keep it interesting. Sabri uses these stories to make points that often break the model of mainstream marketing. He demonstrates how the principals he outlines have been working for years and with some tweaks they continue to help entrepreneurs today. The book stresses the importance of always keeping things entertaining for potential clients as they are the ones searching for answers. He outlines each point so eloquently it allows the reader to easily grasp the concept.

If the reader is new to the online world, by going through his exercises in the book, he or she will gain a strategic plan to get started by the time the book finishes. The author asks the right questions . Forcing the reader to really dissect what it is he or she wants to sell. He then goes through how to create a guarantee, create a landing page, send traffic, the quality of sources, and how to sell in an integral way. Further, he speaks a lot about where the client is on his or her journey and why that matters for the entrepreneur.

He ends the book by laying out exactly how to automate and multiply the amazing system he has just outlined for the reader. The author takes the basics of building an online business and simplifies the process so that anyone who follows his outline can get extreme clarity on the process. Sabri Subry builds the framework, but the entrepreneur must make it his or her own. Online businesses have become just as big as brick and mortar, and if you are wanting to break into the market and create some real estate in there, it is vital you you get all the help and support you need.

About Sherri Lee

Sherri is a life coach .Her goal is to help individuals that are going through any type of transitional phase (marriage, becoming a parent, divorce, being let go from a job, etc.) realize that it is never too late to achieve their dreams. Sherri has built multiple multi-million dollar businesses. She is a full-time mother and wife. Just like everyone, has gone through her own difficulties in life. She now uses her knowledge to show her clients that their dreams are still within their grasp! Find out more about Sherri at https://dreamtodonecoaching.com/



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