The trials and tribulations of not only Motherhood but Parenthood (us Dad’s go through it too!) as seen through the eyes of Meredith Peters Hale.
If you are a Mom a Dad a Grandfather or Grandmother this book is for you. The comical side of the serious business of Parenthood.The moral I guess is if you can’t find the humor in this whole upbringing process it’s gonna be a long hard ride…
From the mind of the Author this is how it started…
“It was in one of those fits of laughter that Mommy A to Z was born. I thought, why not catalog all the day-to-day trials and tribulations of Mommyhood? And why not have a good laugh about them? After all, sometimes laughter is the only barrier between motherhood and madness—such as when your two-year-old flings herself on the grocery-store floor because the cereal box you’ve chosen isn’t pink. Or when your sister-in-law shows up to your holiday dinner with five boxes of hand-me-downs. Or when, for the third time that weekend, you sing “Happy Birthday” to some random preschooler while downing miniature slices of pizza and pondering “Which Olympic Bobsledder Are You?” on Facebook.”
So what she did is literally went from A to Z with the craziness that surrounds the raising of a child.I could not stop laughing as I read this so very entertaining collection of “Life Lesson’s” we all live through and all the while shaking our heads.I guess being a Dad and a Grandfather my two favorites “letters” were D is for Dad and G is for Grandparents. It’s all so true.
Remember those people who raised you—the ones who wouldn’t let you snack before dinner, who wouldn’t buy you another Cabbage Patch Kid because “money doesn’t grow on trees,” and who enforced your bedtime like it was lights-out at a maximum-security prison? Well, now that you have kids, those people no longer exist. Surprise! The role of your children’s grandparents will now be played by the following characters from central casting:
That’s as much as I can give you but this book goes on and on with the things we do for the kids.Myself I never thought I’d be sitting in a dark room having “Dark Parties” with imaginary friends.But that exactly what happens when my little Grand Daughter comes around. We sit in the dark and wait for the knock on the door (me kicking it) and in come the “friends” with cakes and cookies and all kinds of goodies.Yep that’s what we do
I was thinking this book would be a great gift for a Baby Shower with some New Mommy to be that has no Idea what she’s getting into.Not only is it the funniest book on Mommyhood you are likely to find but it does have some useful and practical tips for that new Mommy. Just can’t recommend it enough. If you don’t have kid’s you probably won’t “get ” it but if you do you will understand all of it and laugh right along with Meredith.
You can find it at Barnes and Noble here-> Mommy A to Z: An Encyclopedia of the Joys, Wonders, and Absurdities of Motherhood
or Amazon
A bit about the Author
Meredith is the mother of two frequently humorous, sometimes impossible, and always remarkable children. A veteran of the book-publishing industry, her work has appeared on sites such as The Huffington Post, and Mommy A to Z is Meredith’s big debut.
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100 Great Children’s Books

Meg Welch Dendler
Thanks for sharing this book as part of the Kid Lit Blog Hop! My husband and I always joke about thing #287656 that no one ever told you about parenting. It sounds like she pulled it all together in a delightful way!
This sounds like a funny book, especially for new moms! Thanks for sharing on the Kid Lit blog hop – I always enjoy new parenthood finds.
I am so glad I found this!! I was just wondering about a GF that I wanted to gift a book and she is expecting.. this would be a great read for her! thanks for sharing it on KidLit Bloghop this week.
-Reshama @ Stackingbooks
Stacie Theis
Looks like the perfect book for any mom! Thanks for sharing this one on the hop!