Kaitlin’s Mooring by Carey V. Azzara
Book stats:
Genre(s): New adult, contemporary
Medium: Print
Number of pages: 190
Publish date: July 3rd, 2018
Purchase: Amazon – Barnes & NobleBook Depository

Image result for kaitlin's mooring carey v azzaraNothing is more horrific than losing a child, nothing more joyous than the birth of one. When grief intertwines with joy, it throws the Deveau family into turmoil.

Pregnant twenty-year-old Kaitlin Deveau leaves Boston University in a hurry when Henry, her grandfather, calls from Maine with devastating news. Bereft of hope, Kaitlin’s son, Christopher, becomes a life preserver, keeping the family buoyant. Henry, now Chris’s only male role model, teaches him lessons he uses throughout life. In the end, Chris and his adopted sister, Susan, must save their parents from the fate that took his grandparents–but the outcome is uncertain.

I haven’t read many contemporaries recently, at least ones having to deal with mortality in such a large way. Some authors can tend to use death to build up shock factor instead of to enrich the story, but that is definitely not what happens here. Carey V. Azzara masterfully weaves the relationships throughout the book and shows how the circumstances around them have come to change their feelings.

The only real downside was pacing. I’m so used to books that take off at 100 MPH in the first chapter that this one took a bit to get into. But once I finally sat down with enough time to take it all in, I did end up enjoying the book.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.




About the Author

Carey V. Azzara has had many a twist and turn during his life, losing his younger sister when he was sixteen and struggling to regain direction. Azzara writes for the joy of sharing his ideas and stories with you.
Mr. Azzara is the author of three other books, The Lottery Curse; Halley’s Gift and Eight Other Extraordinary Tales; and Uncommon Heroes and Cars. He also has authored short stories published in Storiacous and the Anthology Swallowed by the Beast. In addition he authored the text Questionnaire Design for Business Research a technical book on marketing research practices.



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