Guest Post — Stacy Kravetz, author of She’s So Boss; The Girl Entrepreneur’s Guide to Imagining, Creating & Kicking Ass
Five Signs You’re Ready to Be the Boss
- You have an idea that keeps you up at night.
You know the feeling: You wake up for some reason or other and your mind starts racing, cranking out thoughts. Sometimes they’re annoying thoughts, rehashing an argument you had via text and wishing you’d said something different, but sometimes they’re the germ of something really productive: “Everyone says my posts showing strange roadside attractions are really funny. Maybe I could turn them into a vlog. Or a short film series.”
Listen to that part of your brain that’s cranking out ideas. Sometimes it’s in the dead of night, when everything’s quiet, that the best ones come out.
2. You Work Well with Other People.
Let’s face it: none of us can do it alone. We all need a support network and a go-to group of people to act as a sounding board when we have an idea that just might be a little crazy. And brilliant. If you have that ability to be a little social—hello Snapchat!—and you have a good rapport with the people around you, you are well set-up to be the boss. You’ll be great at crowd-sourcing when you have a new idea and you’ll have people to prop you up when the going gets a little hard.
And most of all, when it comes time to grow and bring people in to help you, you’ll already know you have what it takes to work with others.
3. You like to work hard.
Everything worthwhile takes hard work and effort. But that doesn’t scare you off. You have a great work ethic and lots of discipline. The best thing about launching your own business is that it’s yours. Every hour of the day you spend working on it, building a website, writing social media posts to get the word out, doing the heavy lifting of making a product or doing market research, is in service of your idea, your business.
You know how good it feels to see the fruits of your labor when you’ve worked hard and everything comes together. Just like after you spent months putting together the playlist for a party where you’re the DJ , and then you got to see people rocking out to your beats all night long. Imagine how it will feel when your hard work results in your own business.
4. You’ve done your research but you’re aware you don’t know everything yet.
An important part of launching something new is knowing that the world is always changing and your idea will evolve with it. You should be as prepared as you can be, but realize that you will always be learning. Be open to that. Ask questions. Find people who have been there before you and learn from them.
Launching a business requires a combination of confidence and humility. You have to want it so badly that you won’t take no for an answer, but you also have to know your limitations. Find areas where you need to grow and always take steps toward learning more.
5. You Like a Challenge.
Running the show yourself is hard. But you wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re up for the challenge of whatever comes your way and you have a great attitude. If this describes your approach, you are boss material.
Of course, just because running a business feels challenging, that doesn’t mean you should be suffering. Find ways every day to find what you love within your business and outside it. Remind yourself why you’re doing this: because it’s great to have your own thing and see it come to fruition in the world.
Now’s your time, Boss. Get moving.
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