Check These Out: One Librarians catalog of the

                             {200 Coolest,Best and

                             Most Important Books

                                   You’ll ever Read}


Gina Sheridan works as branch manager at a public library in St. Louis she say’s “it’s pretty much the best job ever”.She grew gina sheridanup incurably curious in a benevolently chaotic household full of siblings, animals, and books. She has an English Lit degree from Webster University and a Master of Library and Information Studies from the University of Alabama and has worked in public libraries in California and Missouri. Her new book “Check These Out”  is a collection of what she calls her secret stash of Great Reads– but then again it’s not so secret anymore is it.



This book consist of 200 titles of the Coolest,Best and Most Important Books you’ll ever Read.I probably shouldn’t admit it but as far as I can figure I’ve only read seven of the 200. I think there might be a few more because the titles look familiar.There are definitely two on my to read list.Steve Martin’s Born Standing Up: A Comic's Life and Tina Fey's Bossypants


It looks like Gina had some fun with the Chapter Titles,chapter one American’t Dreams, Stories about not quite making it in check these outAmerica-Chapter three Daisy Dukes, if you haven’t guessed it’s a collection of short stories. then my favorite Chapter Fourteen What Not To read While Drinking Milk, yes books that make you laugh.

This is a great collection from somebody that obviously knows books. Now it certainly isn’t just a list of her favorite books. This Librarian gives us a short summary of each title but more importantly the  reason she feels strongly about these books and why they’re in her collection of the coolest,best and most important books you’ll ever read. If you are a book lover (and I know you are) you’ll want to get this book. There is a checklist at the end of the book to check off the books as you read them (if you are so inclined) Gina says it’s ok to check it out of the library if you don’t want to buy it,just don’t write in it she adds.*Librarians* You can get a print out of the checklists Here  Now get these books on your To Read List and get busy

Or  you could purchase it  here—–>AMAZON or Barnes and Noble

You should also check out her other book

I Work At A Public Library: A Collection of Crazy Stories from the Stacks

I also thought the cover was interesting and wondered how many young folks ever saw a card catalog it’s like this funny note from  her blog when some kid did not know what # actually means]

13, Hashtag

Kid: “Can you add more time to my computer? I’m at hashtag 13.”[We have a sign at every computer with PC   # _ on it. He was at #13.]


You can also check out her blogs and


Views: 365

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