1. aeleon 1Crop circles magically appear in Farmer Johnson’s field. A mysterious light sweeps over the night sky and awakens Farmer Johnson and Gilbert, the boy next door.

Curious, Gilbert ventures out to discover the source of the light and stumbles into a beautiful Martian girl sitting in a crop circle. Farmer Johnson also investigates the strange light, and thinking that Gilbert and Aoléon are vandals, he chases them. But they sprint to Aoléon’s saucer and escape only to be pursued by the U.S. Air Force.

The author Brent LeVasseur describes his book as a “Cosmic Adventure Story” I think I’ll go as far as a “Cosmic Comic book Adventure Story”.This Science Fiction Fantasy reminds me of the kind of thing you might find in a very well written comic Book.I usually prefer to

That's Aolleon on the left and Gilbert on the right,Oh and Tripod the dog
That’s Aoleon on the left and Gilbert on the right,Oh and Tripod the dog

read these book in a hard cover or paperback print form BUT! this one I think is actually better as an E-Book.The graphics a beautiful and original and the writing is just the sort that I can really get into.To quote Aoleon herself.Reading this book is like “Taking sweets from a Neonatal Sub-Unit”.

Call it tongue in cheek or just plain clever and witty one liners.   I love the subtle little jokes and the humorous way the author can turn a phrase and make you think about it.I think my favorite line is when  Aoleon the Martian Girl tells a nervous Gilbert to “Amplify Your Calm”. Aoleon is very easy to get attached to.Picture a very mischievous teenage girl (in martian years of course) just out for a joy ride.Turns out she’s just practicing for her drivers test.It;s a great book for kids into scifi and the pictures add so much. The best thing about this little book is that it;s just part one in a five part series.With only 97 pages it will be easy for the young reader to get through.There is even a glossary in the back to help understand the Martian lingo.

Aoleon the Martian Girl

Come back in a week for

Aoleon the Martian Girl Part TWO The Luminess of Mars


Check out the You tube book trailer



Buy The Martian Girl Song!Another World – Single   Featuring Élan Noelle

And of course the book with these great graphics Aoleon The Martian Girl: Science Fiction Saga - Part 1 First Contact

Meet the Author:

Brent  LeVasseur enjoys crafting good stories based on lovable characters designed to translate well to multiple media formats such as books, games, movies, and toys. He lives in New York when he is not commuting between Southern California and Olympus Mons, Mars. His hobbies include writing, 3D animation, musical composition, and intergalactic space travel. He also enjoys various sports such as skiing, running, and exospheric skydiving.

Aoleon The Martian Girl Part two The Luminess of Mars –

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Book Room Reviews BOOK ROOM REVIEWS - BOOK REVIEWS & WRITING TIPS | VISIT NOW Copyright (C) http://www.bookroomreviews.com. Read more at... http://www.bookroomreviews.com/ .