Guest Post on Balancing It All by Diahana Barnes
Mommy Summer Camp
Balancing it all for me is all about planning and organization. As a busy mom, with a fulltime job and coaching business, I find that pre-planning and easy short cuts are critical to achieving balance. Some things I do to stay balanced an organized is writing a to do list every day, and reviewing what my priorities are each morning. I will highlight in yellow the top 3-5 things I need to accomplish and prioritize those first.
I also look for fun ways to delegate. It has taken me awhile, but not everything has to be done by me. My daughter is great at organization and she can help file and address my organizational needs. My son washes dishes and they all help fold laundry. It typically is not perfect, but I’ve learned that by delegating they get the opportunity to learn new skills, step into their own greatness, and I learn to be a tad less of a control freak.
Meal planning and engaging my kids to help also work well for me. I love to cook, but rarely have the time. So on quieter Sunday afternoons I love to put on some upbeat music and make multiple meals. My son will do a lot of the cutting and chopping and my daughter will help assemble. The make one freeze one rule works really well. In California we have a place called “dream dinners”. This is a place where you can go to make meals ahead of time then put them in your freezer and pull them out as needed. I do this concept at home, doubling the quantity of a meal, making it and then freezing it. One of my favorite sites is Pinterest and you can find all kinds of great ideas for meal planning there.
Balance for me is about having a fully integrated life that allows for fun, work, time with family and time for my-self. Utilizing great sites like Pinterest and resources like my kids and to do lists have really helped me with my overall wellbeing. I love finding innovative ways to achieve balance, feel free to share yours!
Where to find Mommy Summer Camp: Mommy Summer Camp
About the Book:
Mommy Summer Camp started in 2011 when as a busy working mom with both a corporate job and a small business. Summer was fast approaching, what could we do?
So, one Saturday as my kids were complaining about something…not wanted to do whatever chore they were supposed to be doing…inspiration hit. I sat down and outlined my idea for a stay at home, Mommy Summer Camp where the kids earned, “mommy bucks” in order to attend camp by doing chores, being nice and various other good deeds.
It became so popular other mom’s asked me how I ran it, so here is everything I have. Over the years I’ve refined the program and created a custom camp that you can use too!
Once you purchase you will receive nine (9) flies, five of which are 100% editable in word format that you can use your own activities, children’s names, etc. I really hope you enjoy it. The nine files are:
1. Mommy bucks template
2. Mommy Summer Camp template
3. Mommy Summer Camp Activities for Kids
4. Mommy Summer Camp Journal
5. Mommy Summer Camp Catalog for Kids
6. Mommy Summer Camp Recipes
7. Mommy Summer Camp Sticker template
8. Mommy Summer Camp weekly checklist template
9. Read Me First – How to Run Mommy Summer Camp a step by step guide
10. Mommy Summer Camp eBook – this 142 page book goes into a bit more detail how I started Mommy Summer Camp and how I used the templates. It combines some of the above into one easy to read ebook.
If you are looking for a customization, please feel free contact us to discuss pricing.
About the Author:
Diahana Barnes
Mom. Health Coach. Corporate Woman. Small Business Owner.
Diahana loves coffee (and a newly found favorite – tea), spending the day at the beach with family, and her iPad Mini! She is energetic and passionate about creating a community that leaves you feeling energized, focused, happy and purposeful. She loves being a coach, a cheerleader, a positive and inspirational influence to everyone around her.
Her formal bio includes a Master’s Degree in Organizational Management & Development, eLearning Certification, and Coaching certifications while currently authoring a book called, “Design Your Bliss in Work & Life”.
She has over 20 years of experience working in the technology and insurance industries in training & development, sales strategy, enablement, marketing, and communications. She is an award winning speaker and trainer and has spoken at events hosted by the American Society of Training & Development, Training Magazine, eLearnting Guild and the Learning Consortium.
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