
I am happy that my children love vegetables. Their favorite is carrot sticks.  Eating healthy is important to me and I like the Veggication Program because it promotes healthy eating habits.  Nolan and I have been having fun with the Veggication At-Home program.  The activity book is full of word games and coloring activities and the “I Tried It” stickers are a unique and cute way to introduce new veggies. The characters are adorable and engaging and the Veggication website has even more information for parents with tips and recipes.  I think it is a great program.  I am thrilled to have the founder of Veggiecation, Lisa Suriano, provide a guest post for us today.

Veggiecation At-Home comes with the Veggiecation Family Recipe Book, complete with 36 easy to make and healthful recipes to cook with the entire family; Veggiecation Activity Book for kids, including coloring pages, word games, Veggiecation Fun Facts and more; Veggiecation “I Tried It” stickers that the family can display together when they try a new vegetable; and “Veggiecation Across the Nation” theme song in audio CD for the family to sing about their love of vegetables; and official Veggiecation dance with instructional dance video to get the family moving. Veggiecation’s At-Home package is available for $24.99.

GUEST POST by  Lisa Suriano

Veggiecation was founded by Lisa Suriano, a certified nutritionist. Lisa’s credentials include Master of Science, Nutrition and Food Science, and Serv-Safe Certification for proper food handling and protection against food borne illness.

Why do we need to be “veggiecated”? Vegetables are the most powerful piece of a healthy, balanced plate, but they tend to be overlooked the most. Everywhere we look, processed foods are being marketed aggressively to us, and these techniques are especially successful with children; recent studies have shown that children will prefer the taste of a food product that is packaged with a cartoon character on its label to an identical food product in plainer packaging.  Although there are people who condemn these marketing techniques because they have greatly contributed to our national obesity problem, I feel that it is foolish to cast aside a concept that has proved to be so effective. Therefore, it is Veggiecation’s mission to promote whole foods in the same fun, colorful manner that processed foods are.

Veggiecation GingerLessonFor me, this work began in schools in New York City. Once my team and I witnessed how effective our approach to learning and loving vegetables was in the classroom and cafeteria, we realized the same concepts could be accomplished at home. In fact, many parents of students participating in the Veggiecation Program asked us for more ways to help them nurture a love of vegetables in their own home. Thus the Veggiecation At Home Program was born. Associating vegetables with enchanting characters and positive messages is the key tool for parents to get the veggies they serve gobbled up.

People don’t realize how much children benefit from consuming a highly nutritious diet. From improved academic and athletic performance to decreased behavioral problems, eating vegetables is proven to create a stronger, healthier kid. # # # Adopting these eating habits early in life ensures a better body image and lowers the risk of developing health problems or eating disorders as an adult. Veggiecation’s objective is to make these goals achievable for parents and kids alike, because we are all living in a world surrounded by junk food.

To learn more about how you can help “veggiecate” your family and school community visit us at Or follow us at and

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