Twenty Four Days to Christmas
With Thanksgiving over (For those of us in the U.S) and BLACK FRIDAY over every young child and maybe some of us older folks are zeroing in on December 25th. Are the kids driving you nuts? Are they making out their Christmas Lists scouring the internet and toy store for those things they HAVE to have under the tree? Well your kids are not the only ones that can’t wait.It’s time for them to Meet Poppy .Just like every other kid she just cant wait for the big day.
Just like the Advent Calendar my Granddaughter looks forward to every year.The one that she gets a little piece of chocolate every day of December as a count down to Christmas. Author Fred Arthur has created a great fun book called Twenty Four Days to Christmas.
It’s a very cool idea. It is literally a countdown to Christmas. You or your child can read one page day to see how little Poppy is coping.Accompanied by colorful Christmas illustrations it’s a great compliment to your Christmas book collection.
Poppy is in agony – it is the First of December and she has twenty-four days to wait until Christmas and she is convinced that she will not be able to contain her excitement and impatience: How can she possibly wait so long for Santa to arrive? Poppy’s parents put their heads together and come up with a cunning plan that has Poppy completing a different, Christmas themed activity every day, to keep Her busy until Christmas (and Santa) finally arrives. Twenty-Four Days to Christmas is an Advent Calendar of a book, which can be read one day at a time, or as a complete story, and centres on Christmas, family and the magic of the Christmas season. Purchase from Amazon UK – and
About Fred Arthur
Fred Arthur is the combined pen name for friends Pincher Martin and Mike Dineen who met working in the Royal Navy. Leaving school at the age of fifteen Pincher Martin entered the Royal Navy as an Able Seaman and now holds the rank of Commander. Living with his family in Plymouth but working in Portsmouth writing creative emails and text messages to his young daughter has become part of his daily life. Mike Dineen graduated from St Andrew’s University before joining the Royal Navy, and he too holds the rank of Commander. Mike lives with his wife in Pickering, North Yorkshire and works in Scotland. Both are keen sportsmen and qualified life coaches. Their goal is to become successful authors, so that when the Royal Navy finally forces them to retire, it will enable them to fulfill their shared desire to support local schools and libraries, satisfy their passion for writing and foster a belief in the importance of reading and imagination for children of all ages. Fred Arthur on Twitter
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