The Blue Unicorn’s Journey To Osm Illustrated Book:


            Full Color Illustrations 


 by Sybrina Durant


This Young Adult book is perfect for fans of science fiction/fantasy books like Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey and The Xanth Series by Piers Anthony or illustrated fantasies like Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll and The Wizard of Oz series of books by L. Frank Baum. Mix in some Brother’s Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale themes and you’re good to enter this enchanting world of the metal horn unicorn tribe.

  Everybody loves unicorns!

OK maybe they don’t but for those who do, they will love this story about a little unicorn who was born into a tribe of magical, metal horned unicorns. The little guy has no magic and he has no metal but somehow he must save the tribe from an evil sorcerer. Read this book for teens and older readers to find out if he can do it.

Durant’s story is slyly whimsical as she builds up the world of Marbryn, a world where there are many wonders, but also threats to the existence of Blue’s tribe.” – Jack Magnus From Reader’s Favorite.

“The Blue Unicorn…reads like old time fairy tales…where life and death choices are made…” – From Fundinmental As The Eyes See It Blog

“The gentle reminders of the importance of acceptance and maintaining a sense of self worth are artfully woven into this fun adventure tale.” – From The Reading Addict Blog.


The latest effort  by Sybrina Durantis is “The Blue Unicorn’s Journey To Osm.” It is a book she started writing 30 something years ago and never finished. At the time, it was meant to be an epic fantasy along the lines of novels written by Tolkien, Piers Anthony, Ursula K. Le Guin and other amazing fantasy writers. So she pulled out her notes, dusted off the outline and began rewriting and expanding upon the 50 pages she began. This story is now available as an Illustrated Book for teens and older readers in full color and in black and white, too. The black and white version is a “Read and Color” book. Read a chapter, then color the following pages. How fun is that? There is also a picture book for pre-schoolers called Unicorns From Unimaise – The Magical Metal-Horn Trobe. A longer version of the chapter book will soon be available as an Illustrated Novel with a companion glossary called, The Marbryn Compendium. All of the fantastic fantasy illustrations are by Dasguptarts. There is also a companion coloring/character description book, edited by Calyie Martin. It will introduce potential readers to the myriad of characters, places and things in the story..
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