The Nocturnals  


The Chestnut Challenge



Tracey Hecht and Illustrated by Josie Yee
ISBN:  978-1-944020-23-1
FabledFilms, LLC
61 pages
The nighttime creatures are back in this next installment of ‘The Nocturnals The Chestnut Challenge’ written by Tracey Hecht and illustrated by Josie Yee.  This is an early chapter book to increase independent reading skills and promote reading enjoyment.  ‘The Chestnut Challenge’ is the story of Tobin and his friends being introduced to a new friend who also has a lesson to learn about being a good sport.
‘The Chestnut Challenge’ is a story that uses simple language for beginning readers .It will easily help to understand and increase motivation to learn to read and read to learn and also to learn that reading is fun.  My favorite part of the story was when the friends are playing their favorite game. A new friend seems to let them know that he was there too.  This is a story that could also be a good moral story that teaches ‘cheaters don’t win’.  In a classroom the teacher could form a checkers tournament or some sort of game for the class to participate and have fun.
The cover art as well as the pictures throughout that were drawn by Josie Yee . They are  brightly colored even though the pictures were depicting nighttime scenes.  The reader will get the same senses as the characters felt through the story and maybe even hear the same sounds of the forest through the words and pictures.  The end of the book the author shares some fun facts of each of the characters .It shares facts that these characters are ‘real’ animals that really do just come out at night even if not in the reader’s country, but somewhere another reader may happen to live.  This is a true piece of art and writing to be enjoyed by all.
  Check out the entire series HERE!

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