Kids facing surgery, and other scary challenges
A new children’s book to help them with the uncertainty. Released in March, Surgery on Sunday helps kids ask questions, express their emotions, and find their own bravery.
Written by Kat Harrison, her debut picture book is inspired by her own childhood experiences. Harrison recovered from fourteen surgeries by the time she reached her thirties. As a child, there was never something that spoke directly to her, so she decided to help children dealing with Surgery for kids and other similar situations.
“This book is close to her heart because she knows how scary surgery for kids, or anything that you don’t understand, can be when you’re young,” said Harrison. “As a kid, no one spoke about what it’s like to spend time in the hospital and most information that was available was written for adults. Kids deserve to see themselves in the media they consume–it empowers them.”
Surgery on Sunday, published by Charlotte-based Warren Publishing, is engaging and easy to read. Illustrated by UK-based artist Shane Crampton, the pages are filled with attractive illustrations infused with playfulness, bringing a lighthearted dynamic to a hospital setting. It will capture children’s attention from start to finish.
In the book, Sunday, a kid with an ocean-sized imagination, is nervous about her upcoming ear surgery. Mom and Dad tell her to put on a brave face, but how can she when she has so many questions? Will it be scary? Will it hurt? (And what does it mean to put on a brave face anyway?) When surgery day rolls around, Sunday’s stomach is in knots like a triple-tied shoelace. But thankfully, she has her BFF, Octavia the Octopus, by her side. With the additional help of a few “rules,” her parents, and some kind doctors and nurses, she soon learns surgery isn’t so scary after all. It actually makes her feel a whole lot better!
Surgery on Sunday was written for every kid going through something tough,” . “Kat hopes it inspires children to tap into their own bravery, even when it’s hard, and know that they already have the tools to support them in any difficult situation.”
Surgery on Sunday is available at,, or wherever books are sold.
About Kat HarrisonKat Harrison is a writer, editor, and chronic illness advocate from Michigan. Her writing has been featured in various print and online outlets such as Real Simple, New York Family, The Mighty, and Yahoo. She lives with a not-so-fun buffet of chronic health conditions and has recovered from fourteen surgeries, but she keeps her sense of humor thanks to an incalculable amount of coffee and brightly colored headbands. Surgery on Sunday is her debut picture book. She hopes you love it as much as her dog does.
26 pages
Hard Cover
Soft Cover
Views: 35
100 Great Children’s Books

Jodi Hunter
This is so cute.
Edna Williams
This sounds like a great book for any child facing surgery. Thanks for sharing!