softsoap picDo you have trouble getting your kids to wash their hands?   We do and it is an endless chore. I think Softsoap came up with a fabulous idea and I wanted to share it with you for that reason.  Softsoap brand has teamed up with the American Public Health Association (APHA) to create unique “Get Ready” hand washing timers.

The timers easily connect to the top of any Softsoap pump.  It plays a fun song for 20 seconds. Your child pushes the top, the music starts and the goal is for them to wash their hands until the music stops. Pretty cool, I must say.  It is working for us.  Our seven year old is into it.  The novelty may wear off, but I think it a great product that teaches children about germs.  Plus they are cheap!  You can purchase Softsoap at most stores.

Video made with ANIMOTO, I highly recommend them, plus they have great prices.

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