My Brother is my Best Friend is a trilingual story: in English, French, and Spanish. On each page, the three different languages are written in different colors; all saying the same thing, but the reader or child can tell apart the difference in the language by the color.
This is a sweet and cute little book written at a child’s level, where the child can also practice reading the story in a different language with their parent or teacher. In the back of the book, there is a glossary of the different words written in both french and spanish with the english translation. There is also a word search and matching exercises to match the english sentences to the spanish or french.
The kids will enjoy reading the many different adventures these two brothers share together. The book is descriptive where kids can imagine that they are experiencing what the brothers are with all of their senses of sight, sound, touch, hearing and taste. The pictures are also colorful, detailed and delightful to a young child! Parents can read this book with their child and teach their child about the different languages and elementary teachers also could use this book as part of their lesson plan! Read this book with a child today!
Views: 123
Nicole Weaver
Thanks so much Sarah for the great review of my book.
Nicole Weaver
Award-winning Trilingual Children’s Author