filesWhen you operate a website or do writing, photography or other media work, large file transfer is a process that you are likely familiar with. Several years ago, there were few options for someone with sizable amounts of data to move. Often, you had to store the files on a disc or drive and mail it snail mail to the other party.

Fortunately, there are many options available for either one time situations when you need to send big files or for ongoing needs. Often, you either pay a fee for a one-time use or you pay an annual subscription for multiple or unlimited use over time.

I have been in several situations where I need to get files to someone fairly quickly and have been scrambling for options. Some sites offer one free transfer up to a certain file size. However, the limits on many free opportunities are quite small. Others have pretty high single use fees that I prefer to avoid if at all possible. As someone that does not have recurring use over time, I also do not want to pay an annual fee for regular use.

However, if you look around enough, you can typically find a service that meets your needs in either scenario. The number of options continue to grow as well as companies recognize the need for this service in the digital age.

I was compensated for this post but all opinions are mine.

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