If you’re a college student, chances are good that you’re living on borrowed money. You don’t have a lot to spend elsewhere and you probably don’t have a lot of time to go out and earn more either. This is one of the challenges of being in college. However, one of the ways that you can keep your finances in check is by taking advantage of simple money saving tips. You may not be bringing in extra money, but you will at least be able to make it last longer.

Skip the Meal Plan

Sure, it’s tempting. You can get all of the meals you want just for a card swipe, but most of the time, you’re paying about as much for cafeteria food as you would for fast food. While it will take some preparation, you can save yourself significant funds if you cook your own meals.

If you just don’t feel like cooking, you can still go to the cafeteria and pick up something to eat. They have cash options as well. This way you get the full money’s worth. Many students don’t eat at the cafeteria all the time anyway. At the end of the year, they wind up with wasted meals. Making your own keeps you from doing that.

Save Money on Books

You can save hundreds of dollars by buying used textbooks. Used textbooks are generally cheap textbooks. You can shop around online or talk to other students. However, you’ll want to be cautious of the used textbooks in the bookstores. Often times these are significantly marked up from the price you could pay, and you aren’t as likely to get a good deal. You can make sure that you get the exact book you need by going into the bookstore and jotting down the ISBN codes of the books your classes require


While not exactly a way to save money, this is a way to bring in some extra. Instead of just letting your used textbooks gather dust, sell them online or to other students. If you find your other classmates are just hanging onto their books and not selling them and not wanting to keep them, then offer to sell theirs as well.

Rent Your Furniture

Loft beds and miniature fridges along with other supposed dorm room essentials can really add up. Fortunately, you can choose to rent rather than buy. Once you leave college, most of the things that were dorm room essentials aren’t going to be as useful. In fact, you might not even have room for them. According to Frugal College, a book, college students generally leave behind anywhere from 35 percent to 75 percent of their college room furnishings because they don’t want them or can’t use them any more. By renting, you save yourself time, cost, and space, particularly when the college experience comes to a close. Some campuses even offer discounts and coupons for companies like Loft Concepts and Bedloft.

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