Jay versus the Saxophone of Doom
Kara Kootstra
ISBN:  978-0-14-319374-6
Penguin Random House
182 pages
‘Jay versus the Saxophone of Doom’ is a chapter book for young children.  Jay is a sixth grader, who must make some decisions about himself and junior high school.  Jay and his ‘friends’ will help each other along the way in various situations in a fashion.  Jay has choices to make in this transition year of school.
Kara Kootstra wrote this story to teach children about how to deal with bullying and how to fit in with others.  It could also teach readers about how we look at our heroes, as in the story with Bobby Orr.  Kara through Jay shows how students try to help each out through various situations, as when they were all sitting in the principals office.  The story also shares how these students can help each other in and out of school.  The illustrations throughout the book explains or keeps score of how Jay is making it through the sixth grade and his various decisions.
This is a chapter book that school teachers, counselors and even social workers could use in friendship groups or in social studies classes.  Kara is an author that seems to understand what junior high school students are going through. It is a book on learning how to make appropriate choices. This is definitely a five star read.


Who knew grade six music could be so scary? For kids who love The Diary of a Wimpy Kid and The Dork Diaries comes a hilarious new entry into funny middle-grade novels.

Jay Roberts loves hockey. He’s good at it. He also loves his hockey hero, Bobby Orr, considered a legend by Jay’s grandfather. In fact, even though they may bicker, when it comes to the Bruins, the whole family agrees that they are the team to root for.
When it comes to hockey, Jay’s a team player, but there’s one person who seems determined to make life hard for Jay: his classmate and fellow team member, Mick Bartlet. It’s a good thing Jay can usually stickhandle his way out of his bullying. But something else is determined to make Jay’s life difficult, something far harder for Jay to play: the saxophone.

Sixth grade just became a whole lot more challenging …

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