Research tells us that chores allow children an early and sustained opportunity to experience responsibility. It will be easier for them to master independence and self-sufficiency throughout their life. A Chore Chart is one activity that parents can motivate their children to participate in helping around the house and learning responsibility. GoalForIt. Com is a website I recommend for parents that is free to use. They offer a variety of free tools to help parents organize their goals for the whole family. Goalforit provides templates and articles to help keep people organized with Goal trackers, Chore charts, Responsibility charts, To Do Lists and much more.
I put together a Chore Chart with my son who is seven and it was a very easy and fun process. The charts are free, you just have to sign up with an e-mail. You will put together your chart by following the easy steps.
First you are asked to pick out your design. There are several cute designs to choose from and Nolan chose the sports theme.
The next step is to pick the chores to add to your designed chart. There are many to choose from and plus you can make your own. Each chore has a cute picture of the chore, so it is perfect for children who are too young to read too.
There are four categories of chores including Chores and Responsibilities, Behavior goals, Healthy Habits and Custom Titles.
The last step involves setting rewards for your child. You can customize this by using their point system or your own system.
There is an option to print the chart or use it online.
You can see the example of the chore chart we made in the picture above. The chart has motivated Nolan to complete his chores with less whining, which is a huge plus for me. To make your own free chore chart visit the website GoalForit. Com.
disclosure: this is a paid post and as always is my own honest opinion of the product
Views: 102
Michelle Kill
Would love to use the chore charts. Thank you!