Bash and Lucy

Before I go on to tell you about this book, let me give you some background to this book and to the authors.  What is cool about this book, is not only is it written by one author: Lisa Cohn, but she also has her five year old son, Michael assist her with writing the batchbook.  You don’t see an author that often including his/her daughter or son into the writing process of a book. This is another reason, the book will appeal to many.  Before this book was written, Lisa, Michael and their family had a golden retriever: Lucy whom was very much part of their family.  Lucy, their dog was unexpectedly diagnosed with cancer and “died suddenly, without warning stated Lisa Cohn.”  To deal with the grief of loosing Lucy, mom: Lisa Cohn decided to write a book in honor of their dog.   Knowing how much Michael, misses Lucy, their dog, she asks Michael to assist her with writing the book as a way to also assist him with dealing with his sadness over loosing his dog.  Lisa stated that Michael was also a huge book lover and dog lover, so he was thrilled to assist mom in writing this book.

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Bash is the young boy in this book.  He also has a golden retriever, Lucy.  Bash also likes to play soccer and plays on a team.  Bash takes Lucy to soccer practice, however Lucy will often get Bash in trouble.  Lucy will see the boys playing soccer and he often decides to join in the game and plays catch with the ball.  Of course, the balls were to land in the soccer goal and not in Lucy’s mouth.  Unintentionally, Lucy pops many soccer balls with her teeth.  The coach becomes annoyed and bands Lucy from soccer practice.  Lucy was almost like another team member.  Bash and the other boys love Lucy and grew sad.  Bash argues with the coach that Lucy can help him and the other boys with playing soccer and with teamwork.  The question is, does the coach let Lucy stay?  You and your little one will just have to read the book and find out.

When I received this book in the mail, my four year old daughter, Alyssa was there and immediately wanted to read it.  My daughter loves dogs, so she was drawn immediately to the story.  Alyssa also loved the illustrations in the book.  The pictures in the book are wonderfully drawn that help tell the kids too what is going on in the book.  My daughter can’t read yet and she is often creative and will make up a story based upon the pictures.  Other little non-readers can almost tell what the book is about just by looking at the pictures.   This book will appeal especially to kids who love dogs. Even those kids that don’t like dogs, this book is funny and well written that it will draw any child in.  I think this book will teach kids important lessons of working together, being a team and just how to treat others.   So snuggle up with your child and read this book!

In addition to the book,  Micheal and Lucy also started a dog blog:  This blog features dog book reviews by 5-year-old Micheal (on YouTube) which drew other authors in and asked Michael review their books.  Below are a few of the blogs that were done by Michael and some of his friends.

“Bad Dog Bailey” (self published)


“The Sparkle Box,” which is a cute little Christmas book:

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