A Journal for Young Girls to work on to assist them with realizing their positive self worth and positive self-esteem. This journal has many writing prompts for girls to write about themselves and to learn about oneself. The book asks girls to list their strengths, happy moments, things they like about oneself and much more. Girls have the option of writing or drawing their thoughts and dreams and a book to increase the teens’ self esteem. The book also has many affirmations for girls to focus in on. In addition to the book, there is a cute and stylish bracelet for the tween and teens to make. As the teen finishes a certain theme about themselves, the teen will add the bead that corresponds with that theme! The bracelet is to serve as a reminder of the skills they have learned while working on the self discovery journal!
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C. Lee McKenzie
I think this is brilliant. So glad to find it reviewed here.