In Chicago Unleashed, a silly and colorful world is created through digitally imposing wildlife into urban photography, causing Chicago’s most famous places to be overrun with curious animals. Text provides readers, young and old, with fun facts about landmarks. Chicago Unleashed makes a unique gift for children, as well as anyone with a wild imagination such as animal lovers and photography enthusiasts.
The Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Disabled, and Access Living, Chicago-based nonprofit service agencies.
Talk about a coffee table book. I received this book a few months ago . Unfortunately it actually was in my living room on the COFFEE TABLE. It got buried a few times in the clutter and forgotten about.It really is a super fun book. It would be especially fun for someone from Chicago. With a truly original idea author Larry Broutman has come up with a truly original book. A large hard cover tour of Chicago. Filled with the most stunningly beautiful pictures of the landmarks of the great city of Chicago. Each classic photo is accompanied with a wild animal that has no place in the city.From Penguins taking a leisurely stroll along Navy Pier to Lions wading in the waters of Lake Michigan.
Taking the time to search each page of this book is part of the fun.I’m not really familiar with the city of Chicago and I love it. For someone from Chicago I’m sure it would bmuch appreciated.The best part of the book is that the proceeds go to charity.
This book belongs in your house!
About the Author
Larry Broutman’s photography projects include work with Lincoln Park Zoo, Africa Geographic, BBC Wildlife, Children’s Memorial Hospital Clinic, and The Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. Broutman is a finalist in Africa Geographic Magazine’s Photographer of the Year contest and has been awarded a Midwest Book Award for best interior design, an IPPY Award in the Great Lakes Nonfiction category, and the gold medal in AuthorsDB’s Book Cover Contest. His other photography books include Chicago Monumental and Chicago Eternal. Broutman attended MIT, where he received his S.B., S.M., and doctorate degree in the field of Materials Engineering and Science. In fact, he was inducted into the Plastics Hall of Fame.
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