How is it the middle of November already. The ghost and goblins of Halloween have come and gone and I hear the Gobble Gobble of the Thanksgiving Turkey. And yes that means the snow (at least here in Western New York) will start falling. Which in turn means I will be hanging my bike up in the garage for the next few months.As sad as that may seem.
I really do hate winter.
I actually just got back from what may very well be my last good bike ride till spring.That’s one good thing about living here. We have some great bike trails.My favorite is the Erie Canal Trial.It runs from Buffalo to Albany and the Hudson River,Four Hundred Miles on this historic trail.
Well anyway I just finished A quick 20 mile ride along the Lake (Ontario) and Genesee River. I’m not quite as tough as those guys you see pedaling in all kinds of weather.So I might be hanging up the ol’ bike for the winter soon.I guess that means back to the gym.Just not the same as biking outdoors but what can you do.
After being members at the YMCA for over 30 years I have recently been trying to convince my wife to to maybe try something else.90 bucks a month for two people is getting a bit pricey.She’s not really into that Idea though.Without mentioning names there are places for as low as $10 a month.I just can’t convince her though.She just does not want to switch.Change after all is not easy.
You know a gym membership no matter where you go can certainly get expensive.I do like it in the winter I use the stationary bike and still do a bit of swimming even some weight training to keep this old (BUT Healthy)body fit.But I could do without the pool and really I could set up my bike as a stationary bike at home.My wife uses the treadmill a lot.We could just pass on a gym altogether and get a treadmill.I try to tell her “Buying our own treadmill may seem like a good option” .It certainly would save us money in the long run.As it stands now we are paying over $1,000 a year for our membership..There are not that many drawbacks that I can see.First thing is I guess you need to have the room in your house.We do so that’s one thing.Also I know that you can get some pretty nice treadmills for under a grand which is one years membership at our gym anyway.It certainly would be much more convenient than running (No Pun intended) to the gym.
It’s really not a bad idea if you are not looking for a social experience of a gym membership. I’m not, we just go to work out and hopefully add a few years to our life. So I’m thinking buying a Treadmill might just be the answer her ,it nay just be worth it.At least to get us through the winter then once the snow melts it can be back to the bike trails.So what should we do folks?
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