



               It just seems like Dealing with Bullies is one part of growing up for most of lllous. We must to learn to deal with Bullies in life.
‘Buddies, Bullies and Baseball’ by Phyllis J. Perry is about a boy named Jack and how starting the fifth
grade and having to figure a way of dealing with two bullies when school starts. This is also a story of
learning about acceptance of others who are different from themselves as the characters learn all about
Hans and how he fits in with each of them. This is a story of trying to get along and finding out what
we have in common with each other.

     Phyllis has written a story that will resonate on many levels of readers and may start more discussions
on how to stop bullying before it gets too out of hand and hurt people involved. This is also a story that
teachers can use to form discussion groups on how maybe students can stop bullying between
themselves and not involve the adults unless necessary. They can try to figure out ways to combat and
stop bullying in many ways and make school a fun place to be and learn.

    This would be a good bookfor a ‘friendship group’ read and see if they would use or do what is mentioned in the book. Phyllis is a descriptive writer for I thought a few times from when I was bullied I could feel the sadness welling
inside me when reading various parts of the book. Her words were like pictures to the reader.

“When Bullies Act Out, It’s Time for Buddies and Baseball”

A cloud hangs over Jack as he begins fifth grade. Two boys from his class, Steve and Cliff, who began bullying him last spring, harass him again as soon as school starts. They take brownies and cookies from his lunch and call him “Mustard” because they think he’s a coward. When Jack walks a different route to school to avoid them, they find him anyway. He doesn’t take a lunch but brings lunch money, they steal his money. When he rides his bike to school, they let the air out of the tires. Jack is miserable but he’s ashamed to ask for help and doesn’t want to tell anyone about his problem.


About the Author

Phyllis Perry grew up in the foothills of northern California and attended the University of California at Berkeley. She writes poetry, fiction, and nonfiction for both adults and young readers. After having taught school for a number of years, she wrote a series of mysteries to help students increase their library skills while having fun reading about Fribble Mouse and his adventures. For students in primary grades, she wrote Mr. Crumb’s Secret, The Secret of the Silver Key, The Secrets of the Rock, and The Secrets of the Sea Chest. For students in grades 3-5, she wrote The Case of the Hidden Masterpiece and The Case of the Three-Legged Buffalo. These mysteries for slightly older elementary grade students also teach library skills in research. For teachers of secondary students, she wrote Teaching the Fantasy Novel. These books are also available at Amazon as e-books or paperbacks.


ISBN: 978-1-63161-051-6
TCK Publishing
94 pages

Views: 31

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