“If you or someone you know has been faced with a recent cancer diagnosis, and need to tell a child in a way they will understand, you must read Bear Hugging and Cancer Crushing. Bear Hugging and Cancer Crushing is one family’s personal reflection of their experience with cancer. Rather than bear hugfocus on the medical aspects of cancer, Bear Hugging and Cancer Crushing centers on the relationship between a father and a child as the child learns about his father’s cancer diagnosis. The authors realistically reflect the young child’s experience, specifically presenting the worries and wonderings that children may have when they consider: what does a loved one’s cancer mean for me? This book is written through the eyes of the child and helps understand the diagnosis from their perception.The child thinks of all of the wonderful things Daddy does, like chasing him and singing and going to the park. If Daddy needs more rest, that means he won’t have as much time to do all of those fun things. But the child also learns something very important, something good. There are many things that Daddy will always be able to do. Daddy can cuddle, just like always and Daddy still loves bear hugs, which help keep him strong.

In 2011, their world was turned upside down when authors Anna and Eric Gilcris learned that Eric had brain cancer. Like any parents, the first thing they thought of was their son. How would they tell him? Bear Hugging and Cancer Crushing is their answer. Help your children understand what it means to have a parent with cancer with this warm, lighthearted story inspired by experience.

Oh by the way we are posting this on National HUG DAY !(Yeah I know but it’s real) so go hug your kid

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