GUEST POST by Deborah Shure

3 Noteworthy Kids Books About Nannies
When a parent decides to go from stay-at-home mom or dad to full-time worker bee, they have to make new arrangement for the kiddos. While some decide to go with the traditional daycare option, others decide to hire a nanny for their little ones.
The transition can be both exciting and a little scary. One way to calm nerves and get kids looking forward to a new caregiver is to Read books about Nannies. There are tons of great titles out there, some with magic nannies and others with hilarious nannies. Here are THREE fabulous books that will have your kiddos jumping for joy over getting a nanny of their very own.

The Adventures of Nanny Piggins

This award winning book follows three Green children who get Nanny Piggins ,a chocolate loving PIG, as a nanny. Written by Nanny PigginsR.A. Spratt, this book is funny, full of adventure, and great for kids of all ages. If you fall in love with Nanny Piggins, you’ll be delighted to learn that this book turned in a series, and there are tons of other titles with the same nanny to choose from.



The Manny Files

This book written by Christian Burch features a “manny”, which as you can probably guess is about a male nanny. The main manny filescharacter Keats is a solitary boy in a family with three sisters, who feels overlooked a lot of the time. It’s great for older kids, and shows that nannies can give great advice if you listen. While his sisters scheme to get rid of nanny Matthew, Keats bonds with his manny, becomes more outgoing in school, and gets over his shyness. Will his sister succeed and get manny Matthew kicked to the curb, you’ll have to read the book to find out!



Amelia Bedelia

Amelia Bedelia, written by Peggy Parish, is the star of a huge line of children’s books featuring the hilarious nanny. Kids amelia bediliaof all ages will laugh through this series. The original book was written in 1963, and is a classic that every parent should read with his or her kiddos. The maid/nanny is left alone with a list of chores. Instead of traditionally dressing the chicken and prepping it for the oven, she literally dresses the chicken! You’ll love, the kids will love it, and they will know that there is no way there nanny could be that bad.



About the Author:
Deborah Shure is the owner and founder of Nanny Tax , the premier nanny payroll service in Canada. With over 25 years of combined financial experience, Deborah and her nanny taxteam are the most trusted source of nanny payroll information. When she isn’t busy providing “nanny tax frustration relief”, Deborah is spending time with her 3 kids doing all the things that supermoms do!

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