

    Gryphon Riders Book Three


Derek Alan Siddoway
ISBN: 9781983692215
208 pages
‘Windbreak’ Gryphon Riders Book three written by Derek Alan Siddoway of a compelling trilogy that could be the last, but on the last page of the book and the author’s note there may be more of these adventures.  ‘Windbreak’ is the volume when Eva, Fury and all the others start to realize that fighting the enemy will bring about various decisions.  The volume asks the question as stated on the back cover “What price power?”  or War and/or Peace.
Gryphon Riders book threeDerek is once again a very descriptive writer and imaginative in his storytelling technique.  In this volume of Gryphon Riders the author shows even more of the human side of the characters and how they are dealing with each of their friendships and the coming war that is building. Also, in this volume of Gryphon Riders the characters keep learning more about themselves, as on page 10 for Eva “You’re not just the last heir of our house,” but turns out to be very important.  On page 24 one of the first battles occur.  On page 101 one of the most important issues about the ‘Wonder’ is mentioned as to what was mentioned in the other volumes and this one.  On the final page of the book there is a surprise for all readers.  As mentioned from all the other volumes in this trilogy the author’s note shares that there could be more Gryphon Riders stories and to me that bares repeating for I hope there are more of these five star reads for kids and adults.

  Book Summary

Against all odds, Eva and her friends are alive. And they’ve returned home with the only chance the Windsworn have of defeating the Smelterborn.

Hope, however, will prove to be short-lived and bittersweet.

An army of iron golems marches west and nothing can stop them. To survive the coming war, the gryphon riders must stand with old enemies against the ancient darkness. As the fighting begins, a small band makes their way east on a desperate quest: to destroy the source of the Smelterborn’s power once and for all. Chances are, none of them will make it out alive.

Eva and Fury will be tested like never before. Heroes will fall. Kingdoms will shatter. The price of victory has never been higher.

Will Eva succeed in driving back the darkness or will everything she loves be crushed beneath the iron fist of the Smelterborn?

Don’t miss the epic conclusion of the Gryphon Riders Trilogy!

Available at amazon

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