Tooth Fairy, You Have Some
  Explaining     To Do!
Denise Barry   Illustrated by: Alejandro Echarez
ISBN: 13: 978-1-64307-019-3
Mascot Books
33 pages
Who believes in the Tooth Fairy?  Denise Barry has written a picture story book that describes what happens when the Tooth Fairy misses a house and the little girl that lives there wonders what she did wrong.  The Tooth Fairy knows she has made a mistake, while the little girl wonders why the tooth fairy did not come that night and thinks some very original thoughts.
Denise Barry has written this picture book to show that jumping to conclusions is not always the right way to go in figuring what may have occurred.  Alejandro has used colors and depicted the scenes in a fun way to fit a fairy tale.  Denise has written a series of nine questions on the very last page that parents and teachers can start discussions with each other.  My favorite questions were the ones that could lead to possible compositions as in Number 4.  Teachers could also have the students write their own letters to the tooth fairy depending on the age and elementary grade.  In this day of transgender number 4 is a good one in this way as well.  There could be lessons in science with questions #7 and #9.  My favorite pictures were on pages 29 and 32, but they were all creative especially on pages 9 and 10. The creative way of putting the page numbers as teeth was very clever even with a story about the Tooth Fairy.

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