Tilly and Torg: Out To Eat


Here come Tilly and Torg! These two hilarious monsters have a lot to learn about living with humans! When there’s no food in the house, Tilly and Torg head out to a restaurant and one thing is for sure – with these two, trouble is always on the menu!
German, Japanese, and Spanish editions available soon!Sight word list and book quiz questions are available in the back of the book.

Tilly and Torg OTE Cover  e
Free printable coloring sheets, word lists, book quiz, and prereading, comprehension, and discussion questions are available on  Author’s website:.http://conniecrawley.com



Paperback and hardcover versions are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and booksellers everywhere! The ebook version is available on



About the Author

A former teacher, Connie has always loved seeing children delight in a good book. With 3DLight Publications, she’s taken that love to the next level by writing books to excite, delight, and inspire both children and adults.

Tilly and Torg are the newest additions to the 3DLight family – but Connie’s known these two hilarious monster since they lived under her bed when she was little.  Now they’re trying to figure out how to live out in the world and Connie has been tracking their antics in 3DLight’s Easy-As-Pie Chapter Books.

As a consultant for an educational software company, Connie is a travel enthusiast and enjoys visiting schools all over the world. “1,000,001 Ways To Go To School”, along with the other books in the Our World series, and “Amazing YOU! ” were written in appreciation for all of the surprises our world has to offer

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