Have you seen the movie Fireproof yet? I haven’t but I have read great reviews of it. Kirk Cameron is in the movie. I was especially impressed with an interview of Kirk Cameron, when he said he wouldn’t kiss any other woman then his wife when they asked him to do a kissing scene. They accommodated him by shooting the kissing scenes in a silhouette and his wife stood in for the actress playing his wife, so he could stay true to his vow of only kissing her. I know he was made fun of for that around the Internet, but personally I am standing up and shouting ” Way to Go!” Maybe if everyone in Hollywood followed his example, there wouldn’t be such an incredibly high divorce rate. We all know one of the most famous examples of a married actor falling in love with his co-star after kissing her on a movie set. I am excited I received a couple copies of the book that was inspired by the movie, The Love Dare. My husband and I are planning on going through it together and completing the love dares. It looks like a wonderful way to connect with your partner, learn Bible verses together and remember to keep God at the center of your marriage. I am looking forward to it and I will give you updates. You can read the summary about the book below and if you think it is something you would enjoy doing with your spouse, you can go to my contest page to enter to win a copy!
Summary of Fireproof
At work, inside burning buildings, Capt. Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron) lives by the old firefighters adage: Never leave your partner behind. At home, in the cooling embers of his marriage, he lives by his own rules. Growing up, Catherine Holt (Erin Bethea) always dreamed of marrying a loving, brave firefighter…just like her daddy. Now, after seven years of marriage, Catherine wonders when she stopped being “good enough” for her husband. Regular arguments over jobs, finances, housework, and outside interests have readied them both to move on to something with more sparks.
As the couple prepares to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb’s father challenges his son to commit to a 40-day experiment: “The Love Dare.” Wondering if it’s even worth the effort, Caleb agrees-for his father’s sake more than for his marriage. When Caleb discovers the book’s daily challengesare tied into his parents’ new found faith, his already limited interest is further dampened. While trying to stay true to his promise, Caleb becomes frustrated time and again. He finally asks his father, “How am I supposed to show love to somebody who constantly rejects me?” When his father explains that this is the love Christ shows to us, Caleb makes a life-changing commitment to love God. And with God’s help he begins to understand what it means to truly love his wife. But is it too late to fireproof his marriage? His job is to rescue others. Now Caleb Holt is ready to face his toughest job ever…rescuing his wife’s heart. View the trailer here.
Summary of The Love Dare
B & H Publishing Group (a division of LifeWay) decided to publish The Love Dare and that LifeWay Church Resources will be publishing a small group curriculum in early 2009 that will be out the same time the Fireproof DVD will release.
*The Love Dare was written by Steven and Alex Kendrick. Here are the basics …”The Love Dareis a 40-day guided devotional experience that will lead your heart back to truly loving your spouse while learning more about the design, nature, and source of true love. Each reading includes Scripture, a statement of principle, the day’s ‘dare,’ and a journaling area and check box to chart progress.”In the introduction to The Love Dare, the authors lay out the three elements of each chapter.
First, a unique aspect of love will be discussed. Read each of these carefully and be open to a new understanding of what it means to genuinely love someone.
Second, you will be given a specific dare to do for your spouse. Some will be easy and some very challenging. But take each dare seriously, and be creative and courageous enough to attempt it. Don’t be discouraged if outside situations prevent you from accomplishing a specific dare. Just pick back up as soon as you can and proceed with the journey.
Last, you will be given journal space to log what you are learning and doing and how your spouse is responding. It is important that you take advantage of this space to capture what is happening to both you and your mate along the way. These notes will record your progress and should become priceless to you in the future. (*copied from a Pastor’s Blog)
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100 Great Children’s Books

Bookfool, aka Nancy
My 16-year-old son dragged me to this movie. I wasn’t expecting a relationship movie, but we both enjoyed it.
Carla Pullum
This movie was awsome!!!!! I want the Love Dare book!!
Elizabeth M.
What a wonderful opportunity; thank you for the chance!
Great movie! My husband and I were thinking of buying the book. It would be awesome to win it! 🙂
Timothy Selig
love the movie…..
God bless our troops
Sounds like a soul-searching book. This is the kind of book that I enjoy reading beside the fireplace during a cool fall night!
Please enter me in your delightful book drawing. Many thanks,
I just got back from watching Fireproof… the over all message was solid for sure; it was great to see such a different-flavored movie on the regular, big screen
I haven’t seen the movie, would love too! This book must be good, I’ve heard so much about it.
Please enter me!
Book Titled The Love Dare by Steven and Alex Kendrick from Fireproof | Mom Giveaways
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Michelle Burfield
I would love to have the love dare!! i haven’t seen the movie yet, but have heard it was great. My husband and I will see it soon!
Cathy Mortensen
I loved this movie! I will bring my rntire family to see it the next time that I go. I believe that my teenagers could learn alot from this movie.
The writers and actors did a fine job in this movie.
Thank you, I learned a lot.
Winning a copy of the book would be great. I want to try the 40 day challenge.
Angie Ratzlaff
I realy need to use this book.
Melissa Bicknell
Wow, I just finished watching Fireproof and now need The Love Dare! This movie was a real awakening!! I didn’t believe how great this movie would be. This was a great Valentine’s Day movie to watch with my hubby! Now I’m ready for the challenge.
Heather Cutter
The love dare book is a TOOL that will help save your marriage but you MUST follow the book to the letter.So many people have said oh well it won’t work,but why start with the negative and think positive that it could?With anything most people give up too easily.Everyone has good intentions but some how will all faulter along the way.We ALL do.This book has taught me,that by being patient and kind,and being respectful and honorable can do wonderful things in a marriage even though you may feel like they don’t deserve it.But by being kind with your spouse and do things they would like even if they go unappreicated I can tell you they will come around and even if they don’t tell you they do appreicate the nice things,it makes you feel good just by being there and working on fixing the wrongs.God has the power to fix anything,but so many people forget that.Everyone wants a quick fix to a problem and it just doesn’t happen that way.Love yourself,LEAD your heart,be kind,less selfish,love God and let Him in,and be true to WHO you are,Remember God put us on this earth for a reason,and you only get one life,so be happy,love all,and Read the Love Dare Book.It could change your life.
LaTeasha Ford
I heard about Fireproof and could not wait to see it. Prior to seeing the movie I would read and forward the Love dares sent to me by FAMILY LIFE. Needless to say it seems like everything in the world would come up and I could not see the movie. Finally, one night, Mother kept the children and my husband and I was able to watch Fireproof together. It kindled a very pleasant conversation between my husband and I. The movie was so awesome that I called all of my married friends and family and told them they had to see it. I even spoke with my Pastor and wife about the movie. They watched the movie and agreed it was a blessing. They have planned to use it at our marriage retreat. I encourage married, unmarried alike to watch this movie and read the book. It will really bless your heart.
Amanda Day
I loved the movie and me and my husband are having a very hardtime he says the only reason we are still together is because of our baby… He agreed to do the love dare with me and i would love to get a copy of this book.
i saw this movie tonight,,, i didnt get it at first,, cause it sounded like my life… but the more i watch i was drawed to it.. this movie really made me think to ask god for help, instaed of trying to do it on your own.. iwish i had this book cause i really need help in my marrige,, it keeps falling apart,, and of course i try to keep it together.. ive been married for 10 years and we was so in love at first and now its falling apart.. if anyone has advanced i sure could use it.. but the movie was awsome i could watch it again right now..
when i first seen that movie it made me cry it help me and my husband throw alot because owe mind was gone thank you for making that movie it is going to help alot of young people show them what love really is