

The Field
Ian Dawson
ISBN:  978-1-54394-331-3
ISBN:  978-1-54393-888-3  (ebook)
243 pages
“Always be on the lookout for in this world that we live in can be a dangerous in many ways.”  ‘The Field’ written by Ian Dawson is a young adult novel that explains this statement very well.  It is a story of friendships and empowerment.  The main characters of Daniel Robinson and his friend Kyle are finishing junior high school with all the physical and emotional happenings of this age.  There are many issues that teenagers must be on the lookout for in our society of today as Daniel and Kyle will find out in various ways and manners.  This is a story of helping and learning to listen better to what other are saying and doing.
In reading this young adult novel ‘The Field’ the reader at first glance could mean or think that this is some sort of baseball story, but will be very surprised to find out the real reason.  ‘The Field’ in this story has many uses for the characters to use it for many safety reasons on all sides will be a factor in learning what friendships are all about.  Ian has written a story that will make kids, teens and adults want to help in any way they can.
The cover art will entice the reader to open the book. You will want to know why the picture of a blazing fire with two shadows are running. The reader may also ask on many fronts why the running characters are so trusting at this time.  This would make a good supplemental read for a social issues course or even a family counseling type course.  They can also learn a lot from this novel by Ian Dawson.
In his first novel, author Ian Dawson draws from his real-life experiences to create an action-adventure story about unconditional friendship, courage, and determination.

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