The Fed-Up Cow
a Picture Book by Peta Lemon & Maria Dasic Todoric
Join Hilda, the fed-up cow, on her voyage of self-discovery in this daft but timeless story, written in rhyme. The Fed-up Cow is beautifully illustrated and contains an important message: be happy with who you are.
Who and what am I? this is the question that the fed-up cow could be wondering, but actually she is just bored with being a cow. This cow visits the other farmyard animals and the cow must make a decision. The illustrations of this picture book for preschool children are cartoon style and are very imaginative. Through the pictures the reader can see the choices the cow is working through. This is a good book for learning conversation skills for a preschool or kindergarten classroom. Some of the questions could be….

1. What is your favorite farm animal?
2. If you could be any farm animal what would you be and why?
The Fed-Up Cow story is a social living conversation it could also be a math lesson where you could have the children count the animals in each picture and as a science lesson you could ask the children what do each of the animals eat and what are the babies called. Another math or science lesson could be what are the groups of animals called, for example a group of lions is called a pride. There could also be an arts and crafts project along with a drama activity after reading this story. This is also a good book to discuss diversity. This is a multi-faceted children’s picture book. A children’s picture book that is a definite five star read for adults and kids.