Stormy Say’s : Let’s Talk! A kids guide to understanding dogs

Mankind’s ultimate question? What is it?

The Big Bang or Divine Creation?

What ever Happened to the Dinosaurs?

Dodger around 10 years old
Dodger around 10 years old

Were there Dinosaurs?

The Chicken or the EGG? What came first?

Why did Said Chicken Cross the ROAD?

Of course all interesting Questions that may never be answered…

BUT! My question to YOU is



If you are a DOG person keep reading. A few years ago (about 25 ) our family decided we needed a Dog.Really I think it was the kids that decided , but that’s when they were cute and spoiled and got what they wanted.(hey what can I say) So off to the pet store we

Dodger and the Kids his first day in his new Home
Dodger and the Kids his first day in his new Home

went.We really had no idea what kind of dog we were looking for to add to our little family. Didn’t take long for the kids to find their new little brother. Sarah found him. Sitting there with his big

14 years later on his big sisters wedding Day
14 years later on his big sisters wedding Day

floppy ears and big paws he was yet to grow into and looking up with Literally those big puppy dog eyes. A Snoopy Dog,Yep a Purebred Beagle. Needless to say we went home with a new member to the family.We (I) named him Dodger. Like I said that was a long time ago and Dodger is not with us anymore.We buried him in our backyard.



Ok so that’s us.We learned as we went.But if you’re thinking about a new puppy First check the animal shelters then you absolutely have to check out this book by   Alejandra Abella .Stormy Says: Let's Talk!: A kids' guide to understanding dogs (Stormy Tales)
She has put together a simple little picture book for kids to learn the basics on dogs behavior. This will help them understand their new pet from the Ears to the Tail.Why does he have his ears back?Why is he putting his head down.MOM he's sniffin' that dogs BUTT!

Stormy is really an amazing book it covers everything in a fun and colorful way. Not only did Alejandra write this little gem she did the artwork which is really top notch.She also wrote A Baby for Stormy?: A human cub joins the pack (Stormy Tales)
which you guessed it is all about Mom having a baby and how it affects the family dog.I think these books should be sold along with the dogs and every kid should have one.(A dog and this book)


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Find out all about Stormy on his Facebook page Stormy on Facebook and how bout sending us a picture of your Dog in the comment section…

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