Sherman A Tucson Tortoise

                                                                                      Riyon Harding2022ISBN:  978-1-62122-144-9Magic Portal BooksArt Academy de los Ninos Publishing43 pagesThis is quite the picturesque children’s picture book of what Tucson, Arizona is like through a tortoise’s eyes.  Riyon is the author that wrote this picture book about an animal named Sherman that is actually based on a real animal by the same name living at the Arizona zoo. Sherman wants to do something different even though he has everything he needs right in front of him at home.  Sherman is visited by all his friends who show Sherman through their particular talents how to see how that Tucson has to offer its residents.  They all begin to realize including Sherman an important aspect pertaining to Sherman himself. The illustrations throughout this children’s book are just like looking at picture postcards and/or photographs of Tucson that are vivid and detailed images. As soon as you open the book you can scan a bar code and use your computer camera/sensors and this should send you to Tucson.  There are at the end of the book various facts about tortoises and Tucson, as well as a coloring page of Sherman and a map of his travels and sites that one could go and see on Sherman’s journey.  The last pages offer more stories to come and information on another in the series.

Sherman, a Tucson Tortoise | Magic Portal Books

About the Author

Riyon Harding is an inventor, entrepreneur, artist, author and registered US Patent

Agent. Her latest creation is a Children’s innovative content platform called Magic Portal Books. Riyon combined the age-old printed book format with new web-based augmented reality technology to create a magic portal experience.


Prior to starting Magic Portal Books, Riyon mentored startups around best intellectual property (IP) practices. She has decades of experience as a global IP consultant, innovation trainer and public speaker. Having prepared and prosecuted many patent applications, she is also a named inventor on several US and International Patents.


Each Magic Portal Book contains an interactive magic portal that leads to a unique place. Enter the portal from any page of the picture book using a smartphone or tablet. While there, you’ll be greeted by an animal who will teach you a lot about the history of the location. No matter where you are, you’ll learn about the location’s history, ecosystem and geology through an Augmented Reality (AR) immersive experience. The technology is 100% web-based and safe for children. Therefore, no apps to download, update or find. Just scan the QR code and experience the Magic Portal.

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