I wanted to share with you some news about the expectation for a horrendous summer as far as mosquitoes go. Below, you will find a health aleart about the epic number of mosquitoes expected as well as some basic tips on how to protect your home and family from these relentless summer pests.
If you have little ones that you need to protect from the pesky buggers, you might appreciate learning about “Buggies” protective wear for babies from Insect Shield Repellent Technology.
The protective wear includes shirts, hoodies, hats, and very fashionable (despite what my husband says) leggies, which cover the often exposed in the summer leg areas for boys. I like the fabric which is lightweight for the summer and Noah has been comfortable wearing the outfit. The leggings would be too warm in the heat, but great for the Fall or nights that are cool. The outfits are adorable! I can’t tell you for sure if it works, since I haven’t really exposed him to mosquitoes, but if you read their information about it, I was impressed. The most important is it is safe for children (you can read the ingredients below and on their website) and a better option then sprays with Deet. You can purchase Buggie outfits at select IEA stores at Buggies Clothing website.
Health Alert: Spring Rains and Hot Weather Result in Epic Mosquitoes
The wet Spring followed by warm weather throughout many parts of the US is resulting in an explosion of mosquitoes. Here are some tips and solutions to help protect families this summer.
Personal protection: Around the home
– Keep windows and door screens in good condition.
– Replace porch lights with yellow light bulbs. They attract fewer insects.
– Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so empty all water from old tires, cans and jars,
buckets, drums, plastic wading pools, toys, and other containers.
– Clean clogged gutters.
– Remove the rim from potted plants and replace water in plant/flower vases weekly.
– Replenish pet-watering dishes daily and rinse birdbaths weekly.
– Fill tree holes and depressions left by fallen trees with dirt or sand.
– Stock ornamental ponds with mosquito fish or use larvicide “doughnuts.”
– Do not place grass clippings or blow leaves into drainage ditches or storm drains. This
will block the flow of water and allow mosquito breeding near the home.
Mosquito Protection for the Entire Family
Insect Shield® clothing and gear repels a variety of insects including mosquitoes and ticks that can carry diseases such as Lyme disease, Malaria, West Nile Virus, and Dengue Fever. The protection is invisible, odorless and long-lasting. (through 70 washings).
Unlike traditional topical repellents Insect Shield products cannot be misused or over-applied. Insect Shield technology is EPA-registered, can be worn or used by infants, children of all ages, and women who are pregnant or nursing.
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Win A Pair of Buggies Leggings! Two winners.
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cute picture Pam:) Do you mean the material? It is light and cool for the summer. Legwarmers would be warm in summer but good for other seasons.
I think Buggies should be mandatory in my area, especially with all of the extra water and flooding we’ve had this year. West Nile Virus is a huge concern. I try to keep my kids covered, but the bugs bite through their clothes.
Sarah B
That is such a great idea! We have horrible mosquitoes where I live!
I’ve never seen anything like this what a great idea if you live in a climate with alot of mosquitos.