Hmm….I read on the website Early Word that Oprah will be announcing her new book for her book club on September 19th. Love em or Hate em, the next Oprah Book Pick will be a big deal. According to Early Word the book is coming from HarperCollins. Listed below is the ISBN number if anyone wants to do any detective work and figure out what the book is. Also it is only available in Hardcover and Large Type so it must be a newer title. Any guesses?
- Harpercollins
- 9780061768064
- $25.95
Large Type
- HarperLuxe
- 9780061768088
- $25.95
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Darn. I tried adding it into my library at librarything. All it will divulge is that it’s the new Oprah book, no title.
he he good try:)
Natasha @ Maw Books
Let’s just hope that she’s back to fiction.
First off, I’m really curious to know who she ended up picking. I’m hearing rumours about Kathy Griffin’s book, but no confirmation. Secondly, I just made a poll on my blog about her book club. I was browsing through her book club forums and was surprised at how many people were complaining about her picks. Please visit my blog and vote or comment about what you think of the “Oprah effect”. It’s at thanks! 🙂