infantino logoDo you cringe when you see a baby sucking on a dirty grocery shopping cart?  I do!  I am a bit paranoid about putting my teething son in a cart.  He puts everything in his mouth!  I recently read this article from MSNBC,  “E. coli found on 50 percent of shopping carts.”  I’m not trying to scare or intimidate you, but tell you it is important to me.  I used to make fun of  moms that used a cover, but now I understand. Once my toddler is past the teething stage, I won’t be so paranoid about carts.  I was more then happy to try the Cloud Shopping Cart Cover from Infantino and love it!   A few months ago I tried a cover from another company and I think the Infantino Cloud is superior in quality and comfort.   Using a cover will protect your child from those nasty germs,  plus it will protect you too.   The Infantino Cloud covers the handle bar, entire seat and sides and the back of the seat.  You can see how it fits in a Best Buy cart in the pictures.   Here are some more reasons why I like the Infantino Cloud Cover:
















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Protects children from germs by covering the areas of the cart your child sits in and would probably put their mouth on while teething.

Stretchable material that fits.

Two toy links.

You can use it for high chairs at restaurants too.

Easy to put on with one hand. You usually are holding them with the other, and the Infantino is easy to figure out and slide onto the cart.

Big leg holes and very comfortable for your child

Easy to wash fabric that didn’t fade or wear yet. I have washed it three times so far.

Adjustable Seat belt included, so you won’t have to worry about safety.

Adorable design that would work for boys and girls. I would like to see more design options in the future too.

Go Shopping

Infantino products are well made and a great company for consumers to feel good about using their products. I have now reviewed several of Infantino’s products as an Infantino mom and I recommend them to you because of my real and positive experiences. You can purchase the Infantino Cloud Cover at Step2 website for $29.99. Make sure to follow Infantino on Twitter and You Tube to learn about any sales or giveaways they have too.

“I am a participant in a Mom Central Consulting campaign for Infantino and have received various Infantino products as part of my participation.”

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