So have you ever sat and pondered the mysteries of the universe? You know what’s really out there? Is there life on other planets? Where did everything come from? Big Bang? What’s a Black Hole? Did Star Trek really get it right? How did they know ? What’s up with that Halley’s Comet? Is it actually a Comet? or is it…

And what does John Lennon have to do with it.

Well to answer some of those questions you must check out a new book by Mark JG Fahey. Halley’s Casino. No that’s not a misprint not Halley’s Comet.  There is so little we know about SPACE THE FINAL FRONTIER! So let’s boldly go where no man (or women) has gone before.

To start with let’s just say this is not your every day run of the mill Sci/Fi adventure.  With a mix of Space Travel,Time travel ,some pretty good one liners and of course you just can’t go wrong with some good ol’ Rock -n- Roll. I do have to say my one disappointment was that Paul,George and Ringo didn’t make an appearance. C’mon Mr. Fahey if ya really want to knock your guest socks off I think that would just about be worth waiting a hundred years for tickets!!

So anyway I did enjoy this adventure and some of the way the author told the story was cool.There is one instance when two characters Tict and TeeceeFore are talking about the star of the book Neb. TeeceeFore leans over and whispers something into Tect’s ear. I thought this was different because the reader doesn’t know what she tells Tict. This usually doesn’t happen.We as readers usually know what the characters are saying.

This is a fun time traveling adventure with some great backstories of the characters. If you enjoy that kind of thing along with some history thrown in you’ll like this one. The book has some humor scattered throughout in just the right amount. The protagonist Neb short for Nebula is an interesting dude to say the least. He’s the classic anti hero that is all of a sudden thrown into a chaotic world Universe and has no idea why. The running joke with Star Trek is great  and the meeting in the diner was perfect.To find out what I’m talking about you’ll have to read the book.   If you don’t well like Neb’s father always said …

 What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane wrapped helically around an axis?


An interview with Author Mark JG Fahey

What made you write a book about…?

I have always been fascinated with Halley’s Comet from a early age and one day this

amazing thought came into my mind. Halley’s Comet is really a intergalactic casino = Halley’s Casino.

After that the story just flowed out onto the page almost by itself as if it had a mind of its own.

Your book is Science Fiction with a twist?

Yes its very twisty LOL.

My love of sci fi comes from an early age, Star Trek playing a big part, though my love of

comics and superheroes, my love of history, Monty Python and of course Rock N Roll all these

elements are found within the pages of Halley’s Casino.

It a very unique story with these threads interweaving itself throughout the plot (spoilers) 🙂

What is your next project?

Halley’s Casino is indeed Sci fi many have said along the lines of The Hitch Hikers Guide

to the Galaxy for which I am very honoured that some reviewers have stated. Very Honoured.

The Halley’s Casino adventures are part of a trilogy, the 2nd book Marine – Halley’s Casino which is

also available planet wide and the 3rd I am currently writing Return Trip Halley’s Casino III will finished

off the sci fi bit.

After that I have 3 other projects mapped out, one, a coming of age story set in 1981, a world War II

family story line based on a true event and then a biblical setting story.

WOW now that’s diversity! Though sci fi will never be too far far away. 🙂

What is the last great book you’ve read?

The last 3 books I have read have been biographies I think they were great!

Phil Collins, Robbie Robertson & Daniele Lanois , all great musicians

What advice would you give budding writers?

Don’t give up. Write for YOU and not for any fame or fortune .

Book Details:

Book Title: Halley’s Casino by Mark JG Fahey
Category: Adult Fiction, pages
Genre: Science Fiction / Time Travel
Publisher: Mark JG Fahey
Release date: Jan 25, 2016
Tour dates: Jan 8 to 26, 2017
Content Rating: PG-13 + M (No profanity, readable for all ages 12 and up, pure fun and witty story)Book Description:Halley’s Casino is set in 1986.(1757,12Bce well I guess anytime you like) 26-year old Nebula Yorker (Neb to his friends), is patiently awaiting the return of Halley’s Comet. He is about to discover that the world is not what it seems.Upon the arrival of Halley’s Comet, Neb is confronted by a mysterious stranger who literally swoops out of the night sky. What happens next will change the course of Neb’s life and that of all he befriends.

This stranger (Mr. Tict) reveals to Neb that Halley’s is not a comet at all, but an Intergalactic Casino that has been posing as a comet for countless years. Mr. Tict is the Concierge of the Casino and he has come back to Earth to recruit Neb as his assistant.

What happens next is an eye-opening experience for young Neb that no one on Earth can imagine. It can only be explained by watching old Star Trek reruns, while eating cheese sandwiches and drinking hot chocolate. From androids with attitude to a vast assortment of alien beings and historic individuals, with a touch of time travel from ancient Babylon to 1757 London and back to Rome of 12 BCE, Neb soon learns that his past, present and future have always lain in the stars above.

It’s a rock and roll ride chock full of chaos, a formidable nemesis, drama, satire, humour, death and new beginnings, with revelations that Neb never saw coming.

Even John Lennon is amused!

Starting out on a quiet evening of star gazing, Nebula Yorker finds himself caught up in the most extraordinary time travel and planet saving adventure of a lifetime.

And that’s only the beginning of what is to come.

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Meet the Author:


Mark JG Fahey is not an alien, contrary to what you may have heard, though he swears he has been to space. Mark has dabbled in various undertakings throughout his illustrious career, from on-air hosting/reporter/stand-up comic to messenger for the Prime Minister of Canada. Mark also holds a degree in Restaurant Services. His family and friends can attest to his excellent cooking skills. Born in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Mark was raised and still resides in Aylmer, Quebec, Canada. Halley’s Casino is the first book in the Halley’s Casino trilogy.Connect with the Author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Instagram
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