Foods to Reduce Anxiety & Manage Stress


Almost every day, stress affects every one of us in some way. It is a necessary component of contemporary living. A lot of stress can be harmful to our health and wellness, even while some stress is beneficial since it helps us stayfoods to reduce stress motivated and focused.


Did you know that what we eat has a significant impact on how our bodies respond to and manage stress? Exercise, fresh air, meditation, and listening to music are all excellent strategies to alleviate anxiety.


We may encourage our bodies to naturally relax and balance out those bothersome stress hormones by consuming specific foods. When deadlines are approaching or your children have back-to-back soccer matches, try one of these ten foods:

Before we begin, be sure to read this article on how to calm anxiety (when you’re freaking out)


Natural teas


It is undeniable that a warm cup of tea helps you unwind and feel at one with the world. In the late afternoon or just before bed, try a relaxing herbal blend. My personal favorites are lemon balm, chamomile, ginger, and peppermint.


If stress creates stomach aches, ginger and peppermint are very beneficial.


Dark Chocolate


Anyone who has chocolate feels better after eating it. Dark chocolate, specifically 70% or more, is particularly effective at improving our emotions and lowering cortisol levels (a stress hormone). Additionally, it has been shown that several cocoa constituents improve our ability to think effectively.


Give yourself some chocolate of the highest caliber. Try to break off one or two squares and let each one melt on your lips without chewing. You’ll be astonished by how full you feel after only a few nibbles!




eating healthyOur digestive systems often become frozen while we are under stress. We can reduce indigestion by including probiotics in our diet. A forkful of sauerkraut or coconut yogurt may be added to a salad or your morning breakfast bowl.


An additional complement is a probiotic capsule. Although this is one of my favorite products, since everyone reacts differently, you might need to try various things.




Potassium, vitamin B6, and healthy fats are abundant in avocados. B vitamins support healthy neuron and brain cell activity. Both the healthy fats and the potassium lower blood pressure, which, as we all know, rises when we’re anxious and worried.


You can smear avocado on whole grain bread for breakfast or add it to your salad.




What are the limitations of leafy greens? These superfoods are bursting with folate, a B vitamin that supports healthy nervous system function. Greens also contain a lot of magnesium (as are almonds, avocados, dark chocolate, and kefir). Surprisingly, the majority of us actually have insufficient levels of this mineral, which reduces irritation, and weariness, and encourages muscular relaxation.


Consider adding a handful of spinach to your smoothie or occasionally serving sautéed kale for supper.



Stress affects our bodies at the cellular level. Vitamin C and antioxidants abound in blueberries. These nutrients support immune system health and cell regeneration, preventing the spread of contagious infections and colds.


Consider including some blueberries in your morning yogurt or smoothie to help you manage stress. I also enjoy eating them as a double dose of stress-relieving superfood with a handful of almonds as an afternoon snack.




When we eat whole grains, serotonin levels rise, which makes us feel better. It promotes a sense of tranquility and well-being by making us feel content and pleased. Additionally, eating whole grains along with lean protein and good fats helps keep you satiated for longer, preventing both stress and hunger.


Consider eating warm porridge to start your day or a stir-fry packed with vegetables and brown rice for the evening.






Have you ever observed that when you’re anxious, you get sick easily? Vitamin E, which is abundant in almonds and supports a strong immune system and the defense against free radical

damage. They are also a good source of magnesium and B vitamins. Both anxiety and depression have been linked to both deficiencies.


When we’re worried, many of us yearn for something crunchy, like almonds. The next time you want chips, try a handful of lightly salted roasted almonds for a similar fix. Just be aware of the serving sizes!




Tryptophan and B vitamins, which support the nervous system, are both present in eggs. An amino acid called tryptophan aids in hormone balancing in the body. It helps soothe the body and mind and promotes sleep.

Legumes are another excellent source of tryptophan. Incorporate chickpeas into your salad or prepare a batch of lentil soup to have on hand all week.healthy eating

healthy eating to manage stress

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