Floppy the mystery Dog, the star of a new series by the team of Denise Bloomfield and Diana Starr.
Their hope is to not only to give children a fun story to enjoy but to teach and educate through Floppy to help kids deal with the sometime hardships in growing up.
In the first book we meet Tommy. A little boy uprooted from the Home he grew up in when his Father gets a new job half way across the country.This is just one major change that can take place in a child’s life.It’s never easy being the new kid and Lonely bored Tommy gets through it with the help of you guessed it the Mysterious Floppy.
I think this book will go over great with children. First it’s got a magical theme to it the way Floppy
appears.Tommy is a lonely little boy with no friends in his new home.With his new friend Floppy by his side his life is not so lonely anymore and he starts to have a bit of fun.
A cute little chapter book young readers will have no problem with.Only 33 pages and nicely illustrated.It also has a page of reader discussion questions that make it a good book to help kids understand and comprehend what they read.
So what’s so mysterious about Floppy? hmmmmmmmmmmmm
What’s next for Floppy? Guess we’ll have to wait for the next book.But for this one…AMAZON
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