While making an income is what a lot of people put first in their lives because it’s how we manage to live, as a pose to survive – you should be getting up early every day for something that you love. Our lives are so precious, and not enough people realise that until it’s given a time limit. Just because money is a very important thing that opens many doors for us, it doesn’t mean that we should base our whole existence around it all.Find a career you love.
Can you imagine having the chance to go to work every day, and enjoy it – knowing that you’re content in all the choices you’ve made? That’s what really makes life a wonderful thing. – An exciting adventure that takes you on all sorts of journeys. – That’s what everyone deserves.
So how do we find a career that makes us truly happy? Well that all depends on what you enjoy. And then you can figure out how to work towards reaching your end goal. You may need to go back to school or take online programmes like msc international finance if accounting and finances are something that tickles your fancy. Or maybe you’d like to be a professional artist, in which case you might take some local classes to brush up on your overall skill and technique. Whatever it may be, the sooner you establish what it is you are after, the sooner you can create your plan of action.
Make time
One of the hardest parts of doing all of this, is being able to find the right time. And if we’re totally honest – there is never a right time, it’s your job to take a leap and just go for it. If you’re always waiting for the perfect moment to seize the opportunity, you may find yourself waiting for a very long time – if not forever. So do it now.
Find mentors
It’s always nice to have a mentor that you can look up to and rely on when times get hard. So if you know someone that works within the industry that you want to be in, ask them for some help. You need to prepare for them to turn you down, but if you show them how willing you are to put in the work and listen, then there is no reason they won’t take you under their wing.
Get support
It’s important to know that although you may not need the support of anyone to achieve your dreams – it definitely helps to have a few cheerleaders in your court, so take all the support that you can get. Tell your closest family and friends about what your plans are, and see what they think. While you may not get the reaction you were after, if they love you, they will want what is best for you. Resulting in encouraging loved ones that stick by you through thick and thin.
So what more are you waiting for? Sometimes that big exhilarating wake-up call doesn’t happen on its own – you need to start the fire first. Find that Career.
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Great advice! Thanks for sharing it at Booknificent Thursday on Mommynificent.com!