satellite TVWe recently upgraded to a whole home digital televisions system through our satellite provider. You have probably seen the commercials talking about Genies and the “Hopper” or Sky TV packages available to British households. Along with the benefits of an upgrade system, we have really appreciated the ability to record up to five shows at once throughout our home.

The limitations of just two lines on our DVRs in the past has been a problem. We have had to play the musical chairs games with TVs a number of times, and often our kids get left out of the mix. Now, with a whole home system, we have very little chance of intruding on each other’s TV space and we can record a lot more shows.

Another advantage of the new setup with whole home satellite systems is the extremely small size of the secondary satellite receivers. As opposed to the gaudy, large boxes, the receivers are small boxes that fit neatly under or beside the TV. This allows for a greater level of flexibility in the way we set up our entertainment hut.

It will be interesting to see what comes next in the digital TV world — probably some sort of wireless setup where you only have one receiver and the other TVs get a microcard or antenna, similar to a wireless computer card or built-in driver.

Disclosure: This post brought to you by All opinions are my own.

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