Davey the three legged Dog By Ron Schaffer


daveyA book about a three legged dog named Davey; who is only different than the other dogs in his physical appearance.  Davey tells the other dogs that he never saw himself different from the rest as he has the same dog interests, is loved by a mom and dad and so on.  The other dogs see Davey as being pretty cool and wants to become his friend.

This book is designed for a young child.  The book has a very simple story line with cute pictures to draw the child in.  The book will teach kids how it is okay to be different and if one is different that person or animal in this case is just like you and loved by others.  This is a book that could prevent bullying.  The child would see that bullying someone who is different is not okay and all that person really wants is a friend and to be like  you.

The book is a good book to read with your child and to afterwards have a discussion about how this book can be compared to their child’s world.  Is there a child at your daughter’s son/daughter school or daycare that looks different than them?  Ask the child, is he or she really different?  How is that girl/boy similar to him/her?  For example:  Does he or she like similar things like you?  Do they have a mom and dad in their life who love them too? Ask the child:  Can you see yourself becoming friends with he or she?


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