
Cornucopia by Bridget Renshaw 


When you look up the definition of Cornucopia this is what you get from the Oxford dictionary…

(formal) something that is or contains a large supply of good things The book is a cornucopia of good ideas.

This book is certainly that.

A bundle of touching comedic children’s poems

You don’t find too many books of poetry geared towards kids. Cornucopia is just that. It’s quite a fun collection for all ages. Filled with some very funny, clever writing with excellent teaching lessons within the rhymes.Loaded with children’s poems that deal with things like understanding  your feelings,they also inspire and encourage in many different ways. If you are looking  for something a little different this one might just be it. Read one poem a night at bed time , maybe a few might go over the heads of younger children but they will “Get” it eventually. Nothing wrong with making them think a little right?

I don’t think I have a favorite but there are more than a few very good ones. I can appreciate very much what I think the author’s  idea behind this book was. A helpful guide for growing kids to help them along.We all know growing up is not easy with the trials and tribulations of school,friends ,”Frenemies”? With titles like Not Ready to Grow,Paper Chain of Impatience,Homework?! You get the Idea. it’s a little something for everyone and all ages. As an extra to these poetic life lesson’s are the accompanying illustrations that are the perfect addition to each and every poem and also makes it a little more fun.

Cornucopia a collection of Inspiring Poems for Children

A little about the Author

Bridget Renshaw spent her childhood in Allen, TX, writing poems, raps and stories from a very young age. She now spends her adult years doing the same thing in Los Angeles, CA.
Bridget received an MBA from Texas Tech University in 2008.
Bridget RenshawBridget’s first book, Cornucopia, is a group of quirky, fun and deep poems that she says “is an extension of her childhood heart”. She is thrilled to be sharing this collection with the world.
Aside from writing, Bridget has other creative endeavors such as VoiceOver, improv and stand-up comedy. She is currently working on another book aimed at adults instead of children


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