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And we’re back with

Always Eat After 7 PM:

The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—

                                 While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion

Like I said a few weeks ago I thought I would try this diet out to see how it actually works.

Ok! so it’s been two week. The first part of this diet is the Acceleration Phase. The first two weeks meant to get into it quick and easy. Now of course done right you should start losing those pounds right away. Problem I had is I tried this during my Covid19 ISOLATION. As I’m sure most of you have found out those trips to the fridge increase exponentially if you’re trapped inside your house. I did follow the books lesson’s as best I could and I did lose a few pounds.

So now I’m onto the second part of this diet and we call it “THE MAIN PHASE”

I’ll let the book explain it better than I can…

Once you hit week 3, you’ve reached the
Main Phase of Always Eat After 7 pm the main phase. This phase lasts from week 3 until whenever you achieve your weight loss goal.
During each week of the Main Phase, you combat falling leptin levels through the addition of Super Carbs at lunch and dinner—and then conclude each week with a leptin-boosting cheat day for exercisers and a cheat meal for non-exercisers (preferably on the seventh day of the week
during the Main Phase). Losing weight is about to become even more pleasant. By periodically cheating on your diet, you circumvent the negative side effects of calorie restriction. Each week, you start fresh with baseline levels of leptin and a hormonal environment primed for burning fat, not muscle.

There’s still an emphasis on protein, non-starchy vegetables, friendly fats, and healthy desserts. You can even have a little alcohol”

I have also discovered Joel Marion’s Always Eat After 7PM program makes dieting easy and eliminates 90% of reasons for resistance.One thing that did help was my daily 2 – 3 mile walks with my dog. Once you get used to it it’s quite easy. There are a bunch of recipes in the book to work from. My favorites so far are the Stuffed Peppers and the Cheesy ground beef skillet. It’s even got a few very good deserts (cookies)




Learn more About Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion   how to purchase here





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