A Death at the Party                     Amy Stuart

From the author of the bestselling Still series (and soon-to-be TV series!), comes a gripping and seductive domestic thriller by Amy Stuart.

In A Death at the Party, a woman prepares for a party that goes dreadfully wrong.

Nadine Walsh is a middle-aged, bourgeois woman who is suffering from memory loss after a bad accident. She’s been tasked to organize her mother’s big birthday bash: a lavish garden party, sure to be the talk of the town and all glossy magazines.

But as she makes last-minute preparations for the party, Nadine starts to recall the memories and secrets she has buried in her past.

Aren’t birthdays wonderful?  Amy Stuart has written ‘A Death at the Party’.  This is a family-type story with romance intermixed into the story.  This is the story of a mother and daughter named Nadine and  Marilyn and how the choices and decisions Marilyn and how the choices and decisions that they made over time will and have affected their lives in many ways.  It starts with Nadine planning Marilyn’s 60th birthday party which will have everybody involved in some way.  There are secrets abound on all fronts from mother to daughter to grandchildren, and even surrounding family and friends.  ‘A Death at the Party’ Amy Stuart has written this story as it happens in one day.  The prologue gives a hint to what happens at the party, but one must keep reading to find out why.  The story then flashes to the morning of the birthday party and some of the errands Nadine needs to do moving on to the afternoon and the party gets closer to starting and making final preparations, and then the evening of the event from the preparations to the fun and secrets coming out.  Amy Stuart is quite the writer for I read this novel pretty much in one sitting for it was quite the page-turner.  I could not wait to find out if some of the characters got what they had coming for I was surprised at some of them. Now, I am an Amy Stuart fan.  The layout of the book that Amy chose was to use short chapters that made this book a fast read but entertaining.  The type font is small but still readable.

2023ISBN: 978-1-6680-0910-9Simon and Schuster291 pages

About the Author

Amy Stuart is the #1 bestselling author of three novels: Still MineStill Water, and Still Here. Shortlisted for the Arthur Ellis Best First Novel Award and winner of the 2011 Writers’ Union of Canada Short Prose Competition, Amy is the founder of Writerscape, an online community for hopeful and emerging writers. Amy lives in Toronto with her husband and their three sons. Connect with her on her website AmyStuart.ca and on Twitter @AmyFStuart.


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